Thursday, April 9, 2020

Fire, Fire

Pond on fire.

Thirty firemen showed up.  
All have been trained by our Fire Chief Clarke Christensen. 
Clarke is also our Police Chief.  
We are so lucky to have him.  
His credentials are the envy of every Public Servant.  

Items which needed to be saved were pushed out of the way.  

This fire truck is almost as big as our house.  
Spring City is the proud owner of two of these monsters.  

Our firemen go through rigorous training. 
Always conducted by our Fire Chief. 

This was one of the training sessions... removing all overgrown areas around the pond.  There are always many challenges while burning the perimeter.  Old trees have to be saved.  The direction of the wind and fire can change instantly.  

The very next morning.  Clyde is checking the situation.  Lola will come out when the coast is clear.  

It will only take a week or two for the undergrowth to be green again.  

Dear friends, stay save.  We are closer to the end of this terrible virus....closer every day. 


  1. That was scary - I thought you had a problem!!!!!! So glad to read it was a controlled burn - do you do that annually Gina? Don't recall you mentioning before. Handsome firemen in the garden are always welcome, haha!
    Clyde looks sleek - hope Lola is well too.
    No Easter egg hunts for the kiddies this year - sad, but social distancing is so important right now. I've done a little decorating around the house to share in my posts. My white rabbits were anxious to be taken out of storage and have their annual display go on as usual!

    Love and hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      I wanted to let you all worry a little. A little innocent excitement is what is in order right now. Yes, we have done this every year. The vegetation just gets to be too much to handle.
      The fire department chief always offers to bring his crew every spring. It is always a teaching exercise. It is amazing to watch. To control a fire when there is a house and trees and wildlife to protect is not easy. Those "handsome" fireman never fail to do their very best.

  2. At first I thought that you had a real emergency - it must have been exciting to watch.
    All of a sudden it looks as if a magician has magic away your winter snow, and suddenly you have Spring.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      To watch how the different groups of firemen handle the situation is really interesting. So much goes into the planning of how to best tackle the vegetation. Every year they approach it from a different angle. It all depends on the wind direction and how dry or how wet the weather has been.
      Spring is still slow incoming.Cold and a new storm is coming for Easter.

  3. All the action would have been fun to watch. Something different in these days of same, same, same. Spring is showing her face in the bare ground and lack of snow!

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      Thank Goodness. The snow has finally melted, even in the shady spots. I am so anxious to get planting but I know that it is still too early.
      Yes, the action was fun to watch. What is always surprising is that while all of the fireman are at work and they each have their individual tasks, there is quiet. I expected them to holler and give loud instructions.
