Thursday, April 30, 2020

I have painted so many, many tiles

When you put two and two together

You get a mural

They are like a puzzle.
Piece by piece they make a picture. 

I have painted them all.
And then they found new homes.

We will piece our lives back together.
Good changes are already happening. 

Be safe, be hopeful, 


  1. Wonderful artistry, Gina. Your work is full of colour and life!

    1. Thank you dear Lorrie,
      I love painting ceramics. My kiln, firing at 1800 degrees Fahrenheit, often has a few surprises waiting for me. Not all surprises are good, but that makes it even more interesting.

  2. What a wonderful representation of the various hand painted ceramic tiles that you have created over the years Gina. There is so much here to see and love. I really like that one of the fishermen - the more I looked the more I saw. Their faces, the pretty coastal town, and the men hauling in their nets filled with fish.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      The fun part about painting ceramics is that my clients know exactly what they want. That way I get to experiment with color and style. Over the years all murals have gone to mostly new kitchens and garden areas. I even painted 800 tiles for a horse arena in Florida. They were the more complicated variety as you see in the animal tiles above.

  3. Such an awesome collection of your years of painting such beautiful tiles dear Gina. It's really hard to pick a favorite, they are all fabulous - like Rosemary, I too love the fishing scene being a water lover, but I also really think both the curved tiles and the next photo with the animals are so beautiful. Then photo 7, the one with yellow and blue flowers caught my eye - it's gorgeous in its simplicity!

    I still enjoy my tile painted when with you - what a delightful teacher you were - and sitting in the kitchen surrounded by all your beautiful painted things is such a wonderful memory of our short but lovely time together. I miss you.
    Mary x

    1. Dear Mary,
      The Fishermen mural reminds me of the many wonderful trips to Italy. Hope we can soon again travel to wherever our hearts lead us.
      I remember the day we painted. You jumped right in and painted a little master piece. We will have to have you paint a companion. What is it they say? You can't stand on one foot.

  4. Great post. Your blog is very good <3
    I am following you and invite you to me

    1. Hi Milentry.
      Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. You write a very interesting blog. Please visit again.

  5. There's so very much to love here, Gina! One after another - that's my favorite, no, wait - THAT'S my favorite!

    1. Hi Lynnie,
      Welcome to the blogging world. Looking forward to visiting your blog. Already like your color scheme.
