Thursday, April 2, 2020

Inundated with new snow

But the sun is shining brightly

I'm glad that the Daffodils waited to open. 

It snowed for most of the night. 

Hellebore don't mind the snow and ice. 

By midday they have perked up. 

I can handle being isolated. 

Because I have a young dog who is smarter than me.  

 Hope you are doing well. 

Over the many years, I have written a blog,  I have met so many wonderful Bloggers. Many have become good friends.  
But many have stopped writing and I miss you. 

Won't you come back now that you might have a little extra time.  



  1. Lovely photos of flowers and snow. we need a warm Spring!

    1. Thank you Grandma and welcome. Be careful and stay well.

  2. The blue skies, the flowers and the snow actually look very appealing Gina - our little garden treasures have a much stronger constitution than we imagine, I find that they always bounce back up again even after being covered in a heavy dose of snow.
    I agree with you about bloggers who have vanished. However, a blogger that I hadn't heard from for a long, long time did visit last week, and it was such a pleasure to hear from her again.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      You know all about keeping garden treasures safe. The snow is never stays for long at this time of the year.
      It would be wonderful to see a few of our "old" bloggers.

  3. Oh my, snow! I hope spring comes soon for you, Gina. Yet you have found the beauty in the current situation. I'm seeing a few bloggers returning these days, and it's so welcome.

    Hugs to you!

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      Those primroses lifted my spirits. There is nothing like them. You can see their happy colors from long distances. They never winter over in this climate but I will be looking for them in the garden shop.
      Hugs to you, as well. We all need them.

  4. I noticed on the weather forecast that you might have snow - but am surprised it was so much Gina!
    Wow - your photos of the opening flowers are lovely in snow conditions - please just be careful when outside where is might be slippery.
    Tell Sadie to be gentle too!

    Gina, I miss a lot of former blogging friends too, especially the ones who just disappear without notice - those of course I worry about the most. Bob knows what to do if I can't carry on - but I would much rather he never has to write that post on my blog!

    1. Dear Mary,
      The snow is pretty but it is very cold for this time of year.
      Let's hope that Bob never has to write that post. Let's hope that we become happy old fools who keep on blogging even though we have nothing interesting to say.
