Friday, May 15, 2020

Finally, Spring has come

Spring has come to our neck of the woods.

Spring.  A happy time when I can bring in bouquet after bouquet from my garden. 

A sure sign that Spring has arrived.
Father protecting his goslings.

Wild geese are happy on our pond.  They come back every year to show off their young.

Deer tried to eat all of my tulips.  

Wild apple tree covered in blossoms. 

Apples from this tree will go to the animals.  

There are many other trees which promise to be plentiful and good.

The Asian Pear tree always bears fruit.  
Italian plums, pears, apricots and peaches managed to make it through the frost.  

It will be a busy canning year. 

Be safe, 


  1. It am really pleased for you that Spring has arrived in your corner of the world Gina. Does Spring happen for you all of a sudden, and not slowly as it does for us here? Your garden is looking a real treat - happy gardening.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Yes, Summer will announce itself all of a sudden. There is still a lot of work to be done. Seeds are waiting to be sowed. Still not comfortable with planting peppers and tomatoes...they will have to wait in the greenhouse a little longer.

  2. How beautiful Spring is where you are. Such lovely expansive vistas across to the mountains. And those lilacs! Ours are just ending, and their season is so fragrant, and oh, so short. Enjoy every minute.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      That is what I have plenty of...lots of expansive vistas. That is why I could never leave this place.
      One of my four lilac bushes is over a hundred years old. It has the single blossom and oh, the beautiful fragrance fills the house through the open windows and doors.

  3. Oh Gina, I can almost smell the fragrance from the lilacs thru my screen! I love those blossoms so much.
    Thrilled Spring has arrived and is sharing so much beauty. Sorry about the deer - my problem right now is with rabbits!
    The pond is looking lovely and those geese are so fortunate to have a beautiful place to bring their goslings for swimming lessons.

    Stay well, and be careful working outside - no more being tripped up by Ms. Sadie!!!
    Love from us both xx

  4. Dear Mary,
    I saw one of your cute little rabbit in one of your pictures. You were taking an early morning walk through your garden. Like my deer our animal friends are fun to watch but when they show up en masse their cuteness soon disappears.
    Ms Sadie is great company. She is still a little too exuberant when visitors come. Other than that she is a great companion.
    Your garden is looking so beautiful. I think of your fig tree each time I look at my little fig tree sapling in my greenhouse which is sporting an impressive number of nine figs.

    1. Roast the nine in the oven with butter, honey and walnuts, delicious!
      Yes my fig tree is awesome but unlike yours, has no figs at present! The first flush of tiny ones came in early March, fed squirrels and birds I guess, and some just fell off on the driveway on colder nights, which is not unusual. There should be the 'real figs' starting to appear soon, but they won't be ready to pick until late summer. The tree is humongous now despite some pruning again, but it's so beautiful and attracts a lot of attention with so many people walking by these days.

      Mary X

    2. Sounds delicious. Thank you Mary.
