Monday, June 15, 2020

First too hot and then too cold

It was 97 degrees Fahrenheit 2 weeks ago.  Unheard of for this high desert area.

And then the temperatures plunged to 27 degrees.

I knew that my 20 year old geraniums would not make it.  For three days they filled several rooms in the house.  

Outside I covered every tender plant and seedling with whatever I could find. 
Those round shapes are wire cages which I had just removed from my tender young trees.  Trees have to be protected from deer who nibble on the bark in winter and eventually kill the tree. 

Finally, plants and furniture could be moved outside.

When  daisies begin to bloom, it is the sign that Spring has finally arrived.

Daisies will spread like wildfire which is fine with me.

Shady areas are now welcome.

Little Goslings are growing up. 

And so is Sadie. 

Wishing you a save and happy week, 


  1. Dear Gina - the little goslings are growing up but so too is Sadie, and your garden and flowers look absolutely lovely.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      When Spring comes to this area everything is new and fresh. The sun shines most every day and I can spend lots of time in the garden.

  2. All looking so beautiful and familiar - except the tablecloths and 'blankies' saving plants from the cold! Geraniums will be lovely once they can sit outside in the sunshine.
    Sadie looks sleek and lovely - hope she's behaving.

    1. Dear Mary,
      Sadie is behaving most of the time. She is wearing a collar that gives her directions.
      It's a good thing that I had some of the more tender plants covered. Wish some of your rains would come our way.

  3. What a dramatic shift in temperature. Those goslings are so sweet. Your views are simply lovely, Gina.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      Again the temperatures are supposed to go to the low thirties. Keeping fingers crossed. It is amazing how fast those little goslings grow. Soon they will fly away and visit us when their parents bring them back for flying lessons.

  4. We've had crazy weather here as well. I am still wearing flannel pjs but the afternoons and early evenings have been warm and in the 70's and high 80's expected this coming Father's Day weekend!

    The warm yellow you've chosen for your home is such a dramatic backdrop to your colorful perennials around your property! House Beautiful!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary,
      You could have written our weather forecast. I hope that we are finished with the really cold temperatures. The plants have such a difficult time recovering.
      When building our house we remembered the many yellow buildings with red tile roofs of Northern Italy. We have never regretted choosing those colors. They make me happy even on a dreary day.
