Thursday, June 18, 2020

What happened?

Where are they?

No birds in sight.

Many wild ducks and wild geese brought their newly hatched only a few days ago. 

 The usual Voyeur has taken over. 

Often it looks like this.

Not a duck or a bird anywhere.

I think I know what happened. 

Two nights ago I heard a big ruckus outside.
That usually means that Raccoons are coming by for an easy meal.  

Early in the morning my dog Sadie brought back a dead Canadian Goose.  
The adult goose had been killed hours ago.
(Not by my dog)

Now only our resident geese Clyde and Lola are left.
They can't fly. 

Not hiding in the overgrowth.

The log they like to sit upon ...unoccupied.

Day three.  Are they gone for good?  
How sad that would be. 

I wonder how long it will take for them to come back.

Be strong, be safe my dear friends. 

About spell check in New Blogger.   Highlight misspelled word then right click on it and 3 choices will appear. 
Better than nothing. 


  1. Gina, I hope the birds return soon. The pond looks like a lovely place for them to spend the summer. Take care.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      So far my wild birds have stayed away. It feels strange now that they are gone. I didn't realize how many times I look at the pond throughout the day.

  2. Do you mean Lola and Clyde are missing? Oh my I hope they are OK - raccoons are really mean animals and can be dangerous (rabies)!
    I'm sure the birds will return - they love your pond so much.
    Sadie must have some retriever in her - bringing you a Canada goose - and they are such huge, heavy birds when fully grown.
    Mary x

    1. Dear Mary,
      Lola and Clyde are still around. They swim to the center of the pond and call out when danger lurks. Sadie must have a lot of Bloodhound in her. Her nose is always close to the ground. Sadie is also very strong. She brings heavy logs to me from the firewood stack. She thinks it's the ultimate present.

  3. I am sure that they will be back soon Gina - they have found themselves the perfect spot in your pond.
    That is interesting about spell check in New Blogger - however, I don't have a mouse with a righthand click on my Mac.

    1. Dear Gina - I have just googled what to do it you do not have a mouse with a righthand click. I have discovered that I have to press the control button and then press my mouse, and the choice of different spellings also comes up. Thank you very much that is a great and really useful tip.

    2. Dear Rosemary,
      That would really put a wrinkle in my computer experiences if I didn't have a right click command. I will have to remember how you solved it. Good for you!. When creating a new post I have to right click many times. I don't know how you managed without it. Maybe now it will be much easier for you. Moving text, moving photos, enlarging, etc, all requires a right click.

    3. Dear Gina - That is really interesting to learn Gina. I have only ever owned an Apple computer and their mouse has no right or left click. I hadn't realised this before but now I think that my Apple Mac mouse must do it all automatically - perhaps that is why it is called a magic mouse!!!

  4. Such gorgeous views of your pond/lake but the wild birds did add to the enjoyment. After a spell, I, too, believe they will return like the swallows of Capistrano!

    Mary in Oregon

  5. Dear Mary,
    You were right. My birds are slowly (very slowly)coming back. I would sure like to know what happened. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.
