Friday, July 31, 2020

Beauty Trick

Need a color lift? Paint a Lamp shade.

I have painted every one of my lamp shades. Either on the inside or on the outside. 

 All of my wall colors have been painted with at least 3 different colors.  One on top of the other, leaving open spaces for each individual color to shine through.

I always begin with a color that is darker and livelier than the end result should be. The adjustment is made with the next two color applications.

The walls are glowing. The mood of the room has changed. And  with a flick of the  switch  complexions improve. 

Peach, Umber and Terra Cotta.  One coat of paint on top of the last.

Faces soften,  lines  disappear and the sun is always shining.

Wishing you a safe and happy  rest of the week. 



  1. Your photos remind me of an Italian villa, richly layered with patina and colour. Wonderful ideas! I don't know that I'm that brave.

  2. Dear Lorrie,
    You don't have to be brave. It's only paint. Just add another coat. The rewards are many.

  3. Your walls must be heavenly in person as in the photos with the lighting they do seem very old and with a patina! How nice it must be to have your walls give you and your visitors and "instant face-lift"! I will use your painting trick the next time I paint my walls! I have never wanted to 'go under the knife' but a little help would be welcome anytime!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Hi Mary,
      It really is amazing how a little paint, in the right places and colors, can change your mood and outlook on life. Let me know how it works out for you.
