Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy 4th of July

Happy Fourth of July 

Enjoy the  day in this beautiful and free country.  
Have fun and be safe. 


  1. Beautiful red, white and blue flowers Gina.
    Just finishing up the day with neighbors setting off a few small fireworks in the road - the most noise we've heard on what has been a very quiet 4th here.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, It was a busy 4th for me. First a little work in the garden where my family helped with the heavy stuff. Then a lovely dinner with friends sitting under old and shade providing trees. Came home at just the right time to see three different and spectacular fireworks from upper balconies.

  2. Lovely vase of flowers from your garden Gina - hope that you had a special and relaxing day.

  3. Thank you Rosemary,
    Yes I had a wonderful day spending it with friends and family. Hope you did the same. Finally the hard work in the garden is paying off. As an extra bonus a Doe gave birth to two beautiful little Fawns... right behind our barn.
