Saturday, August 22, 2020

Knee deep in Alligators

 I'm knee deep in Alligators.

I'm taking a short break from blogging.

The weeds are taking over.

I must teach them a lesson. 

Take good care of yourselves,



  1. Dear Gina - have a good break, you will be really missed though.
    Knee deep in alligators is a new expression for me, but I can guess at its meaning.
    I love the thought that you are going to teach your weeds a lesson.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      With the help of my walk-behind-weed eater I am making progress. In the meantime the raccoons have climbed into my grape vines and have eaten every single grape. Now I won't have to worry about what to do with the grapes.

  2. Lovely Pots! I never would have thought that mixing nasturtiums with petunias could work, but they appear to be getting along splendidly- how wonderful!

    1. Hello Elizabeth,
      I love the way nasturtiums wind themselves into empty spaces. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  3. I need to get into gardening gear too dear Gina - here everything looking sad now as summer's end is not far off. I feel a difference in the air already, and early Fall always brings a lot of clean up work.
    You'll be missed but hopefully will be back soon - hope your much needed rains come soon.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      No rain yet. Temperatures have been high, in the high nineties. My flowers don't like it. My apple trees are loaded...soon we will have a making apple juice party.
      I see that you have more weather coming your way. I'll be thinking of you and Mr B.

  4. Enjoy your break, Gina. The weeds need attention here, too. I'm ready to pull up some of the summer flowers that have performed beautifully and are now looking a bit ratty.
    Stay well.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      The same is happening to my flowers. I do have my stand-by-asters from Lake Maggiore coming into bloom. They always make me look good and they always bloom at just the right time.
