Saturday, October 17, 2020

Fall has never been more beautiful

Spring has always been my favorite season.

Bright, brash and colorful.

Then a beautiful Fall like this comes along.

Delicious and crisp apples are ripening in the trees.

Golden days and cool nights.

Leaves are falling everywhere.

There is never enough time to harvest it all. 

Last roses make a small bouquet.

Wild Ducks and geese mingle with our own.

Winter pears are still ripening.  
Blue cheese is ageing for my favorite dessert.

Only a few flowers left.

Snow will come soon enough.

Hope you are enjoying beautiful Fall days where you live.



  1. I've changed my mind - forget France, THIS is where I would love to be right now enjoying the autumn days and nights, and your company again dear Gina!
    All looks perfect, the trees, fruits, late blooming flowers(love Japanese anemones), and I spy Lola and Clyde out there on the pond.
    That 4th photo of the 'golden days and cool nights' is so beautiful - enjoy these moments because I know you will soon have more wintery temperatures arriving. Wish I could share with you!
    Our love - take care - Mary xx

    1. Dear Mary,
      Fall is staying for a while. Two days ago I still had many pots of beautiful petunias and Nasturtiums. The cold nights made them especially fine. While I was in the house yesterday afternoon, a small herd of deer came by and ate them all. I was so surprised to see them on top of the terrace when I opened the door.
      I wonder what else they will destroy when all the fallen apples and pears are gone.
      Please say hello to Mr B and yes you look fabulous with your new hairdo.

  2. Autumn here in the Pacific Northwest is beautiful, too! I only wish the virus situation was not surging and I would glady hop in my car and go view some of the changes that are happening daily! Thank you for sharing these stunning photos of what your vistas provide so that others can share a little bit of your "dazzle" this season! Loving that pond with the concrete statuary with the reflections of trees and leaves floating in the water. Wondering if you will be sharing the pear/roquefort dessert you have alluded to? Two of my favorite tastes! We have lots of pears here in Oregon! Happy autumn, Gina!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary, I am so lucky to live in this little town. Our movements are not restricted. We all try to use common sense in our daily movements.
      About the cheese and pear dessert. I don't have a special recipe. I just pluck a very ripe pear from the tree and break a few pieces of blue cheese to go along.

  3. Oh, btw Gina, last night I viewed the Rick Steve's travelogue and it was not filmed in July/Aug 2020 although it was put together this year! It was the Tirol - Austria and Italy! I remember that is a favorite place you have been to many times and it reminded me of those intricately knit sweaters with the "blumchen" that I just had to search on the internet. My final decision was to wait until I had traveled there again and next time find one for me!

    Thanks for all your colorful photos and ideas you share with us!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary,
      I will have to check into the Rick Steve travelogue of the Tirol. All of my sweaters were purchased in Toblach, Italy. It is part of an area that is in Italy but everyone speaks German because it used to belong to Austria.
      As soon as it is safe and practical to travel I am heading for Sicily.

      Mary, I so appreciate your visits. I used to have many visitors. I see that some of my visitors have come by more than 800 times and many take my photos. It would be so nice if they would leave a short message so that I would know if I am posting about subjects that are interesting.

  4. I'm finding this autumn to be beautiful, too, although not as golden and bright as yours, which looks truly amazing! Enjoy each moment!

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      I think that it is the very cool nights that bring on such intense autumn colors. For now we can enjoy them because our days are sunny and warm.
