Saturday, December 5, 2020

Ice is treacherous.

 Recently I watched heroic humans rescue dogs, horses, deer, elk and more, from ponds, lakes  and icy streams.

 Two pieces of wood, a string and two nails could save your life. 

Two pieces of wood and a string, with a long nail at the end, 
will pull you on top of the ice. 

If you live near frozen waters you must have one of these in the ready.  Wear it around your neck and if you should fall through the ice, these handles can pull you up and on top to thicker ice.  

Just in case and near our pond, we keep a boat for open water, a rake to reach with, a large inner tube with a long rope attached, and what could be a lifesaver...a simple string with two wooden handles. 

In Alaska,  travelers on snowmobiles, are never without this simple device always wearing it around their neck.

No snow yet but plenty of treacherous ice.

Have a great week my dear friends



  1. How very interesting, a simple solution in a time of dire need.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Dear Jo,
    We hope that we never have to use this life saving device. In the meantime the Fire Chief is coming by to have a look...possibly using it in one of his training exercises.
