Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Snow, the Artificer


Many reasons to celebrate.

After many months of no moisture, it finally snowed.  

It snowed for 2 days. 

And more snow is coming

Evening light. Snow is falling in the mountains.

That is where it is needed. 

Today is a good day.  
Vaccines are arriving. 



  1. It looks so amazing and beautiful Gina - I do envy you because in your countryside location you really can enjoy a snowfall so much more than we can here in the city. It reminds me of childhood winters when we did have snow now and then even in the southwest of England - we could walk up into the fields and woods just 5 minutes from the house. There the farms around us looked like a winter wonderland, or a Christmas card!

    Yes, your scenic mountains will need the moisture to prevent fires next year so hopefully all that snow helps.

    Hoping you will get the vaccine with no problems - as I mentioned in my recent email, not sure I can due to my iodine dye allergy as, like people who carry EpiPens to guard against anaphylactic shock from bee stings etc., we are being warned! I'll have to find out more, but my doctor did mention it to me last week and I read more online.

    Stay safe in the snow dear - thinking of you.
    Mary x

    1. Dear Mary, Aren't we lucky in that we can recall childhood memories. We played outside so much and benefitted from fresh air and wonderful experiences with our friends. I feel so sorry for our young people who insist on spending all their free time with smart phones and computers.
      I hope that one of the vaccines will work for you. There have been a few people who were affected negatively but I think even in those cases the symptoms were not really very serious. I'm still planning on getting my shot/shots.

  2. Waiting for a snowfall was high on my list when I was a kid ... although even now I do enjoy the beauty of it! I'm hoping your neighborly young gent might be at your disposal for any snow removal that would make your comings and goings safer! Back to my Christmas projects, my french zoom classes are now each day of the week and it is fun, but now, I need to accomplish those holiday "chores"! (hardly chores - they are all of my choosing!)

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary,
      Always living in country where snow is always a possibility has spoiled me for warmer climates. However, that does not mean that I wouldn't love to put up an umbrella on some exotic beach.
      My young Gent brought a beautiful fresh Christmas tree as he did last year. Several neighbors have also come by to help with clearing snow from my long lane and in front of garages. Snow is piled high and I love it.
      How exciting that you are taking French lessons.

    2. Yes, I should have capitalized the G as he is important and I had forgotten his name (!)). My daughter is my french teacher and many others as well. She had her own business location until the virus moved her classes to zoom. She only recently gave up and moved out of that office space and the rest of my two classes hope that eventually we can go back to meeting up in person. My french started in 8th grade (and, yes, I still have a lot to learn about that language!) The idioms, alone, are enough to drive one crazy. I'm currently reading a detective novel by one of my new favorite authors: Donna Leon (De Sang et D'Ebène) as I noted our library had that book in french! It is slow-going as I need to look up many words and then, drat, the next time the same word pops - up, I've already forgotten it and back I go to my dictionary! I am so pleased and not at all surprised that many neighbors have been by to assist you with the snow removal. Your property is lovely without the snow but it is a winter wonderland now!


    3. BRAVO Mary. I have never been able to get the "hang" of the French language. I had to learn English as a teenager. I learned from reading books written for children and watching television. I went to college late in life and received a degree in Anthropology. So, learning a new language is never too late. We need to get can by my guide in France and I can take you to Germany, Austria and Italy.

    4. I'm in for a trip with you, Gina! I had an intro to Anthropology in college, then when Margaret Mitchell was giving a lecture in San Diego while I was in college studying Anth. I took a friend and we really enjoyed it! I think I must still have one of the texts: Patterns in Culture. One memory: Matriarchs are not that unusual in other parts of the world (meaning outside the U.S.!) Have you learned a lot of Italian in all of your travels? That will be the next language I would like to learn!


    5. Dear Mary, Let's talk some more.

  3. Love the photo of the evening light and the mountains in the background. I always enjoy opening the shutters and seeing newly fallen snow, it is the same feeling that I had a child. Stay warm Gina and be safe.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      We don't have shutters in this area and how I miss them. Nothing like getting a whiff of fresh air and enjoying beauty all around you when you first get up.

  4. Gina, I know I left a comment here on Wed. but perhaps it didn't post?

    Anyway dearest - the photos are beautiful, especially the third one with the distant mountains, rooftops of the barns, and the sunlight on the snowy ruts along your driveway. Perhaps you can have it enlarged and printed, it would be so beautiful on one of your walls. . . . or mine (I would definitely buy a print) to remind me of walking there, though not in snow!

    Hope your Christmas plans are going well - just please take care when outside if slippery!
    Hugs - M&B xx

    1. Dear Mary,
      Yes you did leave an earlier comment. I found it and published it. I don't know exactly what happened but your comment was trying to erase itself.
      I will send you the photo you liked. You are welcome to do with it whatever you like. Once enlarge it may not really look that good.
      It's cold and very white (but very pretty) around here.
