Friday, January 22, 2021

Dreaming of summertime.


Should I let them grow.  They're blocking the barn door.

I noticed the seedlings early in the Spring but I didn't have the heart to pull them out

Besides,  I was hoping that it would be the elusive peach colored hollyhock which has disappeared from my garden.

I decided that one door is not so important when there are 5 other doors in and out of our Barn.

 I can walk through them.  They don't mind

I never know what color they will be

Did you know that Hollyhocks make great cut flowers? 

Have a wonderful weekend dear friends. 
It's going to snow around these parts. 



  1. Your hollyhocks are beautiful. There are so many lovely flowers I would welcome in my garden. It's supposed to snow a bit here, too, this weekend. Stay cozy and warm, Gina.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      My hollyhocks make their appearance in the most unlikely places. I always let them have their way because I never know what new colors the bees have concocted.
      We had a little snow but more is predicted. Makes me happy.

  2. What beautiful colours, and your hollyhocks look great beside the barn door. The peach one is very special, I hope you don't lose that one. I rarely see hollyhocks because it is too hot to grow them here, but I look out for them when we travel to cooler climes. They certainly do look stunning in your blue vase.

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Most people don't realize that one can use Hollyhocks as cut flowers. All they need is to have their stems singed for twenty seconds and the placed in water.
      I found the blue vase in an antiques shop. It is from Italy, of course.

  3. They are so beautiful and yours are the most prolific I've ever seen. Sadly I can't seem to grown them here - even when you were kind enough to share some seeds with me. I think one came up and was lovely - perhaps the humidity in summer is just too much for them. . . . . or they don't like my soil! Grow all you can dear because I know you will manage them no matter where they pop up.

    Yes, see you have snow predicted on several days in the coming week - we've not had any yet!
    Sending hugs - Mary x

    1. Dear Mary,
      I was so hoping that the seeds would work. But sometimes we just have to accept the fact that we can't have it all. Have you noticed any Hollyhocks growing in your area? They do need a lot of sun and with your beautiful trees all around your house you may not have the right conditions.
      We are supposed to get a big snowstorm in the next few days. The old snow hasn't even melted. We desperately need the moisture.

  4. Your hollyhocks are so lovely Gina - no country cottage here would be complete without a row of hollyhocks running along outside.
    I hope you don't get too much snow. However, I know that you are very well equipped and able to deal with it should any arrive.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Hollyhocks have never looked more beautiful than in the English countryside. In fact it is the English Cottage garden gardener who has made them famous.
      Friends stopped by with a load of extra fire wood yesterday. They were rewarded with a glass or two of champagne.
