Sunday, February 21, 2021

The ugly duckling

The ugly duckling, 

Treasured by a little boy.


A car pulled up. Not so unusual. We have people coming down our lane all  the time. They usually ask silly questions.

A little boy was sitting in the back seat. Tears streaming down his small face. He was clutching a tiny yellow duckling to his chest.

You see, we have a very large pond behind our house.

The little duckling followed me everywhere. I named him "Ittybitty".

After spending a few days and nights in a warm box in our kitchen we decided that it was time to introduce him to the pond. We made a small enclosure of wire fencing, under a tree and partly in the pond. He knew immediately that this was the place where he should have been all along.

A long way away, clear across the pond, Tilly, our resident goose, was watching our every move. Tilly is bossy. She likes to pick up ducks and toss them away from the feeding trough. She bosses wild geese. She chases dogs and cats.

She was churning the water to get to the tiny creature. I picked up a stick, just in case. Tilly swam to the wire fence, lifted it and claimed Ittybitty. From then on, the two were inseparable.

A few weeks later, the little boy came by to see his friend. He called and called for it. That was the last time the small boy came to see his duckling. It didn't know him anymore.

Ittybitty turned out to be a big and fat Peking Duck. She abandoned Tilly and took up with three beautiful Greenheads (Mallard Ducks). The Greenhead boys, always two on her left and one on her right, accompany Ittybitty to wherever he wants to go.

Have a great weekend, 



  1. I love the story. I had a duck in my childhood that was follow me all the time.

    1. Hi Catherine,
      Thank you for your visit. Ducklings are so sweet.

  2. I am so pleased that Tilly didn't treat Ittybitty badly and that he (I nearly said she) allowed him to grow up to be a fat Peking duck. Your pond has given you a whole host of different tales and stories Gina.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      There is always something happening on the pond and near the pond. Right now large flocks of wild Canadian geese are making a lot of noise, even in the middle of the night. They make fine watch dogs.

  3. That was another "quacking good story" Gina, lol!!!!!
    So cute and fluffy when babies, then all sleek and clean when grown.
    You have the prettiest pond - hoping for more great stories.
    Mary x

  4. Dear Mary,
    I have lots of those "quacking good stories". There is nothing going on around here, nothing to write about, so I might share a few more (old) stories.

  5. Oh, such a sweet little boy to do the best thing for the duckling. A very happy ending for Itty Bitty.

  6. Dear Lorrie,
    Tillie's reaction to the little duckling was a surprise. I didn't think he was that generous to share his pond and his friendship.
