Friday, March 26, 2021

Hours and hours for naught.


Hours and hours of work

and nothing to show for it.

Broken pieces from large Mural.

I can't replace the broken pieces.

The background was hand mixed, it will never look right. 

On the same day, and at the same post office, I mailed 5 packages.  

Three packages had broken tiles, one package was 2 weeks late, but unscathed

and one package is still lost after 3 weeks.  

This has never happened.

What is going on at the Post Office?

Hope your week is turning out to be better than mine. 



  1. I also had problems with our post office.... parcels arriving late or more lost!

    1. Hello Catherine,
      Maybe there are too many part time people running the show. Thank you for your visit.

  2. Knowing how fastidious and careful you are - and how long you’ve been shipping your beautiful work Gina - this news is really heartbreaking. The postal service really has gone from bad to worse over this past year - so many complaints, things destroyed or lost. I hope you can come up with a way to fix this - I’m crying for you and so sorry.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      It can't be fixed. Unfortunately. Because my client wanted the background painted (rather than keeping it white) I hand mixed a color which can't be duplicated. So, I am starting over.

      I did insure 3 packages. However, trying to fulfill all Post Office requirements, which are necessary, is almost not doable.

  3. How annoying but what wonderful crafts you make. I have just seen the examples in your sidebar. My first house was an old victorian one with high ceilings; I uncovered a fireplace that had been boxed in and behind the cheap board were the most fantastic painted tiles. I loved that house.

    1. Hello Professor, What a find! How excited you must have been to find such a treasure.
      Thank you for your wonderful compliment. Now I feel better.

  4. This is so sad, it's heart-breaking! I comprehend the amount of time... but even that is minor... the artistry can never be exactly the same. Even if you try it will not be the same. I am so sorry this happened. I hope you can find a use for the pieces and I hope you can make a new one that you like just as much. Your artistry is superb and your pieces are gorgeous!

    1. Hello Daydreamer,
      After the initial shock of realizing that I had to do it all over again, I decided that worse things can happen. For now I am Covid free and I can paint another mural. My client is a very understanding customer.
      Thank you for your visit.

  5. That is truly heartbreaking Gina - when I think of all of the time, the skills and the effort that you must have spent making these beautiful ceramics. Even if you do get some money back in due course it can never make up for what has been damaged or lost.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      The next mural will be even better. They say that practice makes perfect. How the Post Office will view this disaster will be interesting. Thank you for commiserating.

  6. Terrible, Irresponsible and how Unnerving after all the hand-painted ceramics and history with shipping to have this happen. Surely, you have someone (I will offer my services) who can assist you in the complaint/regaining your sanity/some response when you insured those items? Have you contacted Mitt Romney's office? He just won that award for his courage - surely someone in his office can assist you in your results with the Post Office. The Postmaster General is already in hot water and someone like Mitt Romney surely will want to help a Utah Artist... I just feel it, don't you? Don't give up, yet.
    Your tile murals are sooooooooo beautifully created. There has to be justice.

  7. Dear Mary,
    Thank you for offering to help. I'm over the initial shock. I was able to repaint a tile in one of the other ans smaller murals I sent off the very same day. I didn't have to match the background of hand mixed colors. It was an image painted on white. As Daydreamer (above) has suggested I might be able to use some of the tiles as coasters.

  8. Have you never asked your state representatives or a senator for assistance, Gina? They are your representatives in Congress. I have only spoken to my representatives and senators in a townhall meeting over the phone and then only to ask a question. I have met my representative many times over the decades at county and local fairs and other events. But, I have recommended the service to a couple of friends. My friends only dealt with the office staff but with the support of the member of Congress. The Post Office is a BIG ISSUE right now and you are the proof of the problems that need to be fixed.

  9. Dear Mary,
    I was raised in a country where complaining was frowned upon or would get one into trouble with the law. Besides, if nothing more serious than having to do a job over happens to me then, I'm a lucky girl.

  10. You are indeed a very lucky and talented girl, Gina!
