Friday, March 12, 2021

It's supposed to look like this

 But it doesn't.

They are still sleeping

No flowers for the house. 

Even too cold for pansies.

Not even a Hellebore in sight.

When are they going to show their faces?

There is only this and 
it is very cold. 

Enjoy your flowers, 
mine will come soon.



  1. Dear Gina - I do recall then when your flowers do decide to arrive then they appear in abundance, not in dribs and drabs like ours. The snowdrops here are now over for another year, but the daffodils are in bloom.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      We are at least one month late this year. It snowed last night and continued during the day. I'm not complaining about the snow...we need the moisture, but it is also too cold for this time of year.

  2. Your pictures are always so beautiful! I’m sure your flowers will wake up soon!

  3. Hello Floralluv,
    How nice of you to stop by. Thank you for your very nice comment.

  4. . . . . . . . but so worth the wait dear! I will look forward so much to viewing your spring flowers when all mine have gone!
    Snow though is not really wanted at this late date........hoping the sunshine and warmer temps. will arrive very soon.
    Take care - hugs as always, actually hugsX2 to keep you warm!
    Mary XX

    1. Dear Mary,
      By noon most of the new snow has disappeared. At least the flowers have an opportunity to take on lots of moisture and hopefully, make a "Big Splash" when they decide finally, to show their faces.
      Thank you for the extra hug. I needed it this morning. My newly painted mural did not arrive without a few broken tiles.

  5. We are having freezing morning temperatures here but it has warmed up each afternoon which is wonderful (mid 60's). No snow this year, but hail came for a few minutes last week in one heavy deluge before the sun came out and it all disappeared. Crocus. daffodils and flowering fruit trees are visible and enjoyed by all, all over our town. Even the ground-cover is blooming purple which at the moment I've forgotten it's name! Spring will arrive and oh, how beautiful it is when it comes to your "little bit of Italy in Utah!". My neighbor's hellebores are reaching for the sky and yet, the garbage man continues to leave the recycle box right on top of some of the leaves. I don't know if anyone else cares, but I do. I might just have to complain or leave a sign next to them before Thursday comes that reads, "Please watch out for my blooms!"

  6. Dear Mary,
    How funny. Our weather is the same and garbage day is also on Thursday. I would leave a stick with a little flag for your garbage crew. Maybe they will get the hint.
    Your season is still way ahead of ours. Nothing blooming here. Enjoy your Spring while it lasts.

  7. I just now remember my groundcover is Vinca minor or periwinkle and it is so nice to see the little purple blooms! I just heard the garbage truck and I neglected to put a sign out so soon I will go out and probably have to move that neihbor's bottle bin for recycling! Another friend I visited to drop off a St. Patrick's Day card I crafted and return her latest Ken Follett book had gorgeous white hellebores that must have been close to 15" tall. They were next to a Viburnum that hadn't bloomed yet but my friend said it's blooms were white. The shrub was gracefully arching south toward the future sunshine! I like your idea of a stick with a flag to remind the garbage truck driver! Grazie!

    1. Dear Mary,
      I grew Vinca at my old house along the embankment of a stream bed. I always loved that special blue. If Hellebore are in an eastern exposure they easily reach 15 inches. Mine are finally coming up, sparingly. Hellebore are so interesting in that an initial planting will produce many colors down the road.
      Good luck with your garbage man.

  8. Woohoo! The recycling box was sitting next to the curb and NOT on the hellebore leaves or blooms! Success! These plants are with an eastern exposure but on the other side of the street is an incline as we are on a hill, and there are many douglas firs so we get very little
    eastern sun :-(. These haven't started to produce other colors, but I will now be watching for that!

  9. Dear Mary,
    I've noticed that Hellebore don't mind a little shade in the afternoon. In fact that is where they grow the tallest in my garden.
    So glad the garbage pickup man noticed the message. You may have saved a few other flowers in your neighborhood.
