Monday, November 29, 2021

Where is he?

Can you spot Clyde?

He is in his element.

Clyde is the one who "took up" 
with a wild Canada Goose.

And then he insistet that the goslings were his.

As the goslings grew
 it was obvious that they were not his. 

And then they all flew away. 

Clyde was left without a friend because he can't fly. 

Throughout the summer they would come for a visit.

Clyde would call his family out of the sky. 

Clyde is in the middle of them, somewhere. 

There he is, I see him.

For now all is well. 

Have a great week dear friends, 




  1. Clyde is a trooper! I'm glad all is well in his world. Have a good week, Gina.

    1. Clyde is a real Character. If I don't feed him by 4 in the afternoon he comes looking for me and escorts me to his feeding trough.

  2. Dear Gina - your observations surrounding Clyde are really interesting, and it is good to know that he is once again happily surrounded by all of his friends. We have a group of horses that live on our Common but they accompanied wherever they roam by a little black donkey. Although he is always close at hand he is never actually part of the gang and often I feel sad for him.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Yours is such a sweet story. The little donkey has "his job". That is what makes him happy, I think. I know a little about Commons. Is this one attached to your property?

    2. Our home is surround by beautiful Common land owned by the National Trust - it is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) because of its fauna, flora and geology.

    3. How wonderful Rosemary. That must be so enjoyable to have nature so close by.

  3. I miss the skeins of geese that used to pass over my home when I lived in the north - they heralded the coming of winter and were somehow hopeful.

    1. Hello Professor,
      That is the perfect way to describe geese flying overhead. Now that we have hundreds visiting our pond, their excited conversations can be heard miles away. I try not to spook them so that they will stay save from Hunters.

  4. how beautiful, poor Clyde but it looks like his adopted family have not forgotten him :)

  5. Hello Betty,
    Apparently Clyde recognizes his family when they fly overhead. He calls to them and along with hundreds of geese they land on our pond.

  6. Gina - I can't leave my comment on your latest post - and see there are no others - so wondering if you are having computers problems?
    Clyde is a special boy - and he definitely thinks you are his mommy! How's Ms. Sadie doing?
    Hugs - Mary

  7. Dear Mary, There were 8 comments posted for the Advent post. Don't know what happened.
    The pond is iced over. Clyde tells everyone where they can stand. Sadie is getting sweeter by the day.
    It is getting mighty cold around here but Sadie doesn't mind.
