Thursday, January 20, 2022

I don't know why I worry about Clyde

 For weeks now, Clyde has been courting 

a young Wild Canadian Goose.

He is even teaching her how to pull extra delicious morsels 

from the bank of the pond

You know that Canadian Geese mate for life. 

Clyde has never been concerned about that. 

Clyde (white goose) has plenty to choose from.
Did he pick the same goose which he courted last year?

Last year he pretended that the goslings were his. 

Maybe this coming Spring he doesn't have to pretend

The entire flock flew away in the Fall and left Clyde behind because he can not fly. 

She came back early, by herself. They are now inseparable 

Maybe this year is the year.

Have a great week dear Friends



  1. That is an interesting conumdrum Gina - if they did produce a few little hybrids then I wonder what they would look like?

    1. Dear Rosemary, I have read that these strange alliances happen, but rarely. The outcome is always a mixture of both, white, dark and in-between. Whatever the case may be, I am delighted that Clyde is so preoccupied with his new friend.

  2. How interesting! Poor lonely Clyde must be over the loss of Lola, a good thing I guess, but I did love it when the two of them were together.
    See your nights are very cold Gina - no new snow though. Later today we will be hit with another storm and perhaps quite a bit of snow this time! Winter is here in the east.
    Stay warm - sending hugs.

  3. Dear Mary,
    The news is full of extreme weather warnings for your area. We are used to very cold weather. So please stay out of harms way and wait for warmer and sunny days to be outside.

  4. Yay for Clyde! So glad he's found someone to assuage the loneliness! And I hope you stay warm and cozy in those frigid temperatures.

  5. Dear Lorrie,
    Yes, it is cold here and has been very cold for several weeks. The sun does come out in the afternoon...that helps. Of course Clyde and the rest of the interlopers are playing games on the pond.

  6. Hi Aunt Gina! Looks like you got a good bit of snow this year so far! Definitely more than we have up north at our house this year.

    I hope your 2022 is going well, and proves to be a really good year.


  7. Dear Chad,
    How wonderful to hear from you. Yes we had a good snow storm 2 weeks ago but would really like more. All is well here. I had a look at your very interesting blog. I'm impressed. Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

  8. Thanks Gina! I haven't posted to it in a while but am working on a few new projects to add. I really enjoy blogging and need to find the time to create more.


  9. Dear Chad, Blogging does take time, especially when it entails as much work as you put into it. I look forward to seeing more.
