Friday, March 4, 2022

Snow is melting


View to the East and out of my kitchen window, 

Horseshoe Mountain holds our water source 

for the entire growing season. 

Horseshoe Mountain elev. 11,000 Thousan Feet.

We need more snow. 

Have you spotted the horse yet?

Ground is still frozen. 

 Hellebore are blooming in a protected corner 

and so are a few Snowdrops

My little Fig tree is waking up. It's amazing how hardy this little tree is. 

Every Summer it produces dozens of delicious figs. 

Have a great week dear friends. 



  1. Oh, the signs of life in spring are so tender and so welcome. Love them all!

  2. How very pretty your signs of Spring are :)

  3. Your fig is looking most promising dear - I have a few buds showing on our big fig tree, and thoughts of having it trimmed soon as it's getting very wide again and will impede walking down the driveway!
    I have daffodils blooming and bluebell leaves but too early for flowers. Heatwave today 83F high but later in the week rain and cooler days and night. I'm not ready for HOT weather yet!
    Sending hugs.

  4. That Horseshoe Mountain is one of my favorite in the state. We are sure hurting for snow this year, not much up north at our house either. We definitely need the water for the garden.

    Hope you are well,

