Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Annual Fire Drill

New Volunteer Fire Crew 

Learning how to set fires safely.

Saving the Boaat

Savng the bridge,  and

 the venerable old trees

Perfect Collaboration.

The new crew learns some very vauable lessons and 

I get a perfectly groomed Pond

AND my house is still standing 
Happy Days to you and yours,



  1. That is such an interesting thing to have happening on your land Gina. It must be great fun to watch, and all followed by a perfectly groomed pond - how good is that? Happy Days toyou too GinaX

  2. It's a win-win situation! They learn and your property benefits. It would have been interesting to watch!

  3. The pond will soon regenerate itself and be surrounded by all those beautiful wild growing plants waving in the breeze. The geese and ducks will return - I'm sure they high-tailed it out of there when the handsome fireman arrived!
    Your tulips and daisies look fabulous Gina - and your villa is still my favorite house ever. Staying there was so wonderful and you and Gene so welcoming - one of my best travel memories ever.
    Take care dear friend, thanks for the get well message - I'm doing much better now!
    Mary (and Bob) XX

    1. Dear Mary, those were the best of days.
