Monday, October 17, 2022

Caltagirone, Sicily

Staircase connects upper and lower hill town of Caltagirone.
142 Stteps were built in the 1600s and hand painted ceramic tiles were affixed in the 18th century.

I painted 200 tiles for a  new horse arena in Florida.

Wishing you a great week,


  1. Dear Gina - are you back? Hope all went well and was wonderful, also hope you will share more photos and stories from Sicily.
    We're still in New England and will be flying home tomorrow. Had fun but looking forward to coming back.
    Love from us both XX

    1. Dear Mary, Yes, I'm back. Had a very special trip. I loved Sicily. Beautiful country, friendly people and lots of ocean to play in, Welcome back to you, as well.

  2. Dear Gina, What wonderful tiles. I assume the bottom photo is of your work. How detailed and lovely your tiles are.

    1. Dear Lorrie, Yes they are my signature tiles. All 200 had to be painted in different styles. The were painted for a new horse arena. I have not seen them installed. Florida is too far from Utah.

  3. Love your tiles Gina but what an incredible amount of work and time they must have taken. Please do tell us more about your trip soon.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Sicily was and is a very special place. I would like to go back soon. And yes, I will publish a few more photos. In the meantime you could check out "Susan van Allen's" website. She was our tour leader. She has published something from our tour every day.
