Saturday, November 12, 2022

iIt's 14 degrees this morning

Fourteen Degrees Fahrenheit is minus Ten Degrees Celsius 

This is what I came home to. 

I left for Italy knowing that I had plenty of time to  put the Summer away.

It's only November. It's supposed to look like this.

Will the Papyrus survive?

First night home this happened.  It came crashing down  at 2 o'clock in the morning.  Miraculously,  it missed the house, windows and balustrades. When trees still hold their leaves,  and when it snows branches get very heavy.  Not a good recipe for hundred year old trees. 

Happy days to you.


  1. Dear Gina - Climate change is already making weather patterns behave strangely - here we have been having 20° which although not hot is far too warm for November temperatures. I do hope that your kind neighbour can help you with the large broken branch that has sadly tumbled to the ground.

    1. Dear Rosemary, I hope that these strange weather patterns disappear soon. It is just too early for this to be so cold, and no change in the near future.
      My wonderful neighbor r and two of his four handsome sons made fast work out of cutting up the fallen branch. They even stacked it ready for my next big fire in the fireplace.

  2. Dear Gina,
    What a chilly homecoming you had. Our unusual snow has disappeared and although temperatures are below normal, they are still well above freezing. Hopefully you will have help in cleaning up after the snow. Do take care.

    1. Dear Lorrie, Here you are, quite a bit north of where I live and you are always much warmer. Even your snow melted while we are still under a blanket of the white stuff, And yes, I had help. Mi Neighors' sons were visiting from California. They came right over with a sturdy saw and took care of the problem.

  3. Different but still so beautiful in the snow - the veranda where we sat with a drink, then had breakfast at that table the morning before having to leave the loveliest house ever! Hope the papyrus did survive and that no more large branches fall this coming winter Gina. Take care dear friend.

    1. Dear Mary, Yes I remember it so well. You and Bob were such charming guests. We do have beautiful summers and spending so much time outside, as we did, was so enjoyable. All that is left of that bucolic scene are hundreds of geese on the pond.

  4. Dear Gina, these days we never know what the season may bring. Even here in Texas we have an early cold spell, thankfully without snow and ice. Fall colors are just beginning to show. Stay warm, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Dahling, How lucky you are to still have Fall colors. It's going to be a long and cold and dreary winter. Thank you for commenting,
