Sunday, March 19, 2023

Nothing, nothing at all

flowers are hiding under the snow

                 All photos from my 2021 garden

They are still sleeping

No flowers for the house. 

Even too cold for pansies.

Not even a Hellebore in sight.

When are they going to show their faces?

There is only this
and nothing more

Enjoy your flowers, 
mine will come soon enough



  1. I have one clump of snowdrops showing their faces and a couple of crocus.... right close to the house foundation where they get the sun. Spring will come! I heard robins this morning! Your brave snowdrops are beautiful. Soon your pond will be full of geese heading north.

    1. Hello Daydreamer, Geese have been here for over 2 weeks. Clyde is picking out his new girlfriend for the season. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. The snowdrops are so pretty. Here there are daffodils and hellebores blooming, and they will soon come to your corner, too. This is the patient season.

  3. Dear Lorrie, You live in the perfect climate, You always have flowers...even in the winter. I am jealous. Thank you for your visit

  4. Hi Gina dear. Your Spring must be a little late - notice on the weather reports you are getting snow today and tomorrow! It will be lovely hopefully as Easter arrives and things are more settled and warmer. . . . . . .and the daffodils etc. will be everywhere brightening up the garden beds and pondside areas.
    We're warming up again too after the very chilly nights, sitting on the porch in late afternoons - today it's 79!
    Thinking of you with love XX

  5. that is interesting, they grow grapes for wine near me in the UK at Dorking, Surrey I would like to visit the vineyard, perhaps I will. I wondered if the volcano always smokes? I would find it stressful living near this! Betty (p.s. I changed blogs, I am 64, too old to be a wood fairy so re-invented myself, new blog (elderberry-rob, which fyi is a drink made from the fruit is the new me).
