Monday, June 28, 2010

My DUP (Daughters of the Utah Pioneers) Cake

Are you 18 years or older? Are you a lineal descendant of an ancestor who came to Utah before the completion of the railroad on May 10, 1869? If so, you have a chance of winning my DUP cake and eating it too.

Every year I am asked to contribute my cake to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers (DUP) bake sale. The first year, it was auctioned off to a Professor of History from the "Big City". The next year a member of the DUP won my cake.

The very next year, I received a phone call the night before the bake sale asking me when exactly would I be bringing the cake. The caller was waiting for me at the front door. The next year, the organizer met me at the door and the cake disappeared (she had promised it to one of her cronies). So much of a fuss for such a simple cake?

The following year I received a phone call, aksing me to please bring the cake AND the cake recipe. My recipe? Oh no, I can't do that. It is a secret. But I will share my secret with you.
The cake is made in 10 minutes because I use a Sarah Lee frozen poundcake. Always have one ready in my Freezer.

So, here it is:

1 pound cake, cut into 3 layers. First and last layer, apricot, strawberry, lingonberry, peach or whatever preserves you have on hand.

Middle layer, butter cream (recipe follows)

1 and 1/2 sticks of unsalted, very soft butter

2 and 1/2 cups of powdered sugar
2 to 3 Tb of fresh lemon juice.

Mix by hand with wooden spoon and cover entire cake

Decorate with fresh violets or use candied violets and candied mint leaves.



  1. Hi Gina, This cake looks divine! I love the pansies for decoration.

    Thank you so much for your wise words regarding commenting on blogs. I really appreciate them. And your concern for my sleep! It's true, I've been up later than usual recently, and still get up to hear the birds, even if I don't record them every day. Sometimes I go back to sleep after I've heard the birds and seen the sunrise. But even if I am a bit short of sleep, it's worth it to me at this time of year because I hate missing a second of our long days!

    Have a lovely rest of the week! xo – g

  2. Now that's my kind of cooking! :-)

  3. That's the most scrumptious looking cake! I love the violet garnishing. Isn't it nice to be able to use flowers (FINALLY):)?

  4. Dear Georgianna, We are morning people. Don't want to miss the sunrise and besides Rocky, our rooster, starts to crow even earlier.
    Next time you want to impress your friends, try my simple cake. I won't give away the secret.
    Have a great week, Georgianna.

  5. Hi Saretta, Welcome to my blog. It is nice to see you here. Wish we had the kind of pastry shops here that you have in Italy.
    But sometimes it is good to have a quick recipe handy.

  6. Dear Francesca, It IS wonderful to finally have a few vegetables and flowers in my garden. The amzing thing about the flowers on the cake is that they last a very long time. It must be the moisture and the sugar in the butter cream.

  7. Hi dear Gina,
    well thank you for sharing your secret! your cakes looks exquisite and i'm sure it tastes exquisite too..and i'm quite happy to enjoy it virtually!!

    (re. your comment i took the pic in front of a tablecloth i placed as backdrop)

  8. Hi Lala, you are so clever. You see designs everywhere. That is why your stationary is so extraordinary.

  9. love this cake, will have to try it! So easy, sounds like everyone loves it!

  10. Hi Lady Katherine, Do give it a try. It is very, very easy to make. Costco also bakes an excellent pound cake.
    Thanks for your visit.

  11. So pretty and thanks for sharing your secret recipe! I think it is all in the assembly - that's why it tastes so good.

  12. Hi Miss Merry, It's the butter cream and the home made preserves that make this cake so special. Give it a try, you will be amazed. Thank you for your visit and comment.

  13. Gina, that cake looks delicious!
