Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Kitchen Hearth

My custom made kitchen cabinets were installed and I didn't like the way they dominated the entire space, SO ...

I hired a local handyman and by noon of the next day I owned the perfect kitchen.

We moved a cabinet to a better location. We reduced the size of some of the cabinets so they would not jut out so far.

With the left-over lumber we built a new cabinet and with the oversized facades for the oversized refrigerator (we purchased a smaller one) we built a brand new corner pantry. We even had enough lumber left over to build a cabinet so I could hide my washer and dryer.

And then, I asked him to build me a chimney piece. Out of plywood he fashioned the hood. He measured once, adjusted the angle once, and it was done.

All that was left for me to do was to paint a tile mural to cover the plywood.

The uprights you see are architectural fragments made of cast cement. I simply painted them with acrylic paints.



  1. Perfect kitchen might be an understatement, Gina. This is so beautiful!!! Once again I am in awe of your taste, style and creativity. I love the idea of painting the stone architectural pieces. Have a lovely weekend! – g

  2. Oh my..Gina, seriously, one can stay all day, feeling happy in your kitchen! it is so beautiful, warm and exquisite...
    Have a wonderful week end, dear...
    and thank you for your lovely response to my comment're too sweet !

  3. Dear Georgianna, Most cement casting companies have a bone pile near their property. You will find some very interesting discarded pieces (ask the owner first). The fragments are very easy to paint. But don't use oil based paints only water based. If you like the worn or "antique" look, paint as usual and then remove paint from the high spots. Add a little green or brown or both, for good measure. Place in your garden, let vines grow over them.

  4. Dear Lala, The wonderful thing about having blogging friends from exotic and far-away-places (such as yours) is that we can experience, through your pictures and words, a little slice of your life. It transports us, if only for a little while, like magic, to your magic place.

  5. fabulous! Perfect detail....the chimney piece, all that great copper underneath and the coral, terra cotta walls....are they plaster? I love a kitchen that has this much warmth!

  6. Hello again Gina,
    in answer to your question about the painting fragments, Gym painted those some years ago to adorn the exterior walls of her shop.
    Have a wonderful sunday with plenty of sunshine!

  7. Gina,
    Forgive me for not understanding. Am I correct to assume that you painted those "tiles"?

    I am in awe of your talents!!!
    I never thought of cement casting companies. Hmm, I'll have to see if I can find any locally.

  8. Hi Ann, Yes, I did. And so can you. Come for a couple of days and I will have you painting tiles like a pro.
    Look for pre-cast fireplace companies in your area. I think that will get you started in the right direction for discarded architectural fragments.

  9. Hi Theresa, The walls are plain gypsum boards and I painted over them with a water based rich reddish terra cotta color. Because the walls were nnot sealed the red color mixed with the white of the gypsum and gave it a different finish. It helps to have a light in the space to suggest an open hearth.

  10. wow. that is amazing. thank you so much for enlightening me on the italian pottery that my mom has. obviously, after i headed over here, i see you know your pottery! you are an incredible artist, and i would die to have this hood in my kitchen or my house. wow. i can't wait to go read more of your blog. that pound cake looks SO yummy. mmmmm!!!!!

  11. I think I'm getting a better sense of your amazing kitchen. The chimney piece behind the burners, filled with beautiful hanging pans, dispensers/holders (can't think of the correct term) and rolling pins, is so, so beautiful.

  12. Hi Kellie, It is possible to purchase La Musa pottery on U. S. ebay, usually for a very good price (less than in Italy) And once in a while you will see a signed, older "Simone" piece. They are quite beautiful. However, make sure it has his signature on the bottom.

  13. Dear Francesca, You notice every detail! Because I use few electric applicances, I do use every one of those implements you see behind my stove. And I love cooking with my copper pans.

  14. Just beautiful done.


    Karin Şen Cankan

  15. Please send your handyman to my house!!!!!!!
