Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stuckmarmor, Benad website in English

Received a very nice note and thank you from Martin Benad, author of "Das 1x1 der Spachteltechniken" (see last post).

Martin informs me that he has an English version website. Four of his books have been translated from German into English. However, for now, the Spachteltechnik book is only available in German.

In the meantime, if you just have to have the Spachteltechnik book, I am happy to translate for you. You can order Martin Benad books from his website (above). His books are full of interesting information pertaining to all types of decorative painting techniques. Easy to follow photographs almost do not require text.


photos: Martin Benad


  1. Ooh- thanks, Gina!
    Have to go visit there tonight!

  2. how excellent! my last trip to vienna i could barely keep my hands off this stuff.

  3. Gina, you're so sweet and kind to help translating!
    Now...about more trivial things, clams are also one of my favorite food but i guess it's a dish which just looks good naturally...with a few tomatoes and parsley sprinlekd on top et voilĂ  !

  4. Hello again Gina !
    i've just updated my post with the recipe i use...

  5. Great, I will hop over to your blog. Thank you, Lala. See what you have started?
