Wednesday, July 28, 2010

After the Rain

It doesn't happen often - we live in the Desert

But when it does, everything sparkles and shines

The hollyhocks try to outdo each other

This year, the kohlrabi, the entire row, insisted on growing 2 together, must be the chicken manure

Growing up in East Germany, every spot of land had to be utilized for vegetables and fruit. My Mother always let us have a little space to grow a few flowers to cut for the house. And so, somewhere in my vegetable garden there will always be a spot for flowers.



  1. Just amazing, Gina! I'm always in awe of how much beauty you've created in your environment. It's so inspiring. xo – g

  2. I was thinking exactly the same thing as Georgianna! Where do you find the time and the energy to work on so many things - ceramics, garden, are quite the energizer bunny!!! And you do everthing so well! I love seeing all these pictures - thanks for posting them!

  3. Dear Georgianna, You are always so nice to notice my blog posts. My life is a bit like my collages. I scrunch everything together...looks more important than it really is.
    You last post featuring your rose images is absolutely stunning. I have a few favorites.

    Have a lovely weekend, Georgianna.

  4. Dear Barbara, You are too generous. Because I am retired I do exactly as I please. I have few obligations so I can tackle whatever makes me happy.
    And that is what you see in my posts. You don't see the failures and you don't see the weeds, etc.
    Gene and I make sure that there is always time for a glass of champagne, just the two of us or sharing with our wonderful friends.

  5. It must be quite something to live in a landscape that changes so dramatically, winter to summer.
