Friday, July 30, 2010

Maybe more beautiful the second time around

You may recall my earlier post ,
here entitled Helleborus.

Now, several months later, the flower heads have dried on the plant, and have spilled their many seeds. (I'll be watching for little seedlings next Spring)

I can't decide which I like better. The dried or the fresh flowers.

All you have to do is change the water a few times and you will have this unusual and beautiful bouquet for several more months.

What makes the hellebore so special is that it blooms very early. Here, in zone 3, I can start looking for their buds in March.

Helleborus come in many colors, from white to chartreuse, to red, yellow, orange and more.

Next time you are visiting your favorite garden center, look for this unusual and rewarding plant and take it home with you.



  1. Gina, I love these so much! And in that urn, they are gorgeous. I have quite a few hellebores in our woodland garden and they are marvelous plants. Unfortunately, we were hit hard with aphids this spring and I lost so many of the blooms. We don't use pesticides so I was out twice a day gently hosing each blossom but they were still damaged. The plants survived so am looking forward to next spring. We went to a hellebore breeder in March – imagine acres of them! Thank you for sharing this tip and have a lovely weekend. xo

  2. Dear Georgianna, Oh, how I would love to see acres and acres of them. A few years ago, I saw thousands of them growing in the Black Forest. When they are naturalized (as they must be in your woodland garden)they are even more beautiful. Like you, I don't use pesticides, but because it is still so cold here in Utah when they bloom,they are not bothered by pests. However, I have plenty them the rest of the year.

  3. I love the dried one. It looks very much like our helleborus, which flowers in December (in french it's called "christmas rose") and is unusually pale green.

  4. Dear Francesca, It is the Christmas Rose, also called Lenten Rose. That is its common name. Because it is so cold here it blooms a little later than it does in Italy. It was only yesterday that I picked my first tomatoe. I know that you have been enjoying many vegetables from your garden for quite a while.
