Monday, September 13, 2010

Hollyhocks, bring them into the house

Hollyhocks are so beautiful, enjoy them in the house

Important:  Before placing Hollyhocks into water,  singe end of stems over a flame for 20 seconds. 

Cut side shoots only (this method does not work with main stalks)

Have a happy Sunday, my dear blogging friends.



  1. Such beautiful flowers. I've only ever seen the light purple ones!

  2. I never thought to do that. I don't have hollyhocks but lavatera is almost the same and still has some blooming so I'll give it a try!

  3. Dear Francesca, In my garden I let them grow wherever they like. Hollyhocks reseed readily but they need light to germinate. Every year a few new colors appear. Bees do all the work for me.

    If you see them growing ask for permission to harvest a few seeds. Hollyhocks are easy.

  4. Dear Georgianna, I don't think that Lavatera requires the same treatment. I have always just cut them and then placed them in luke-warm water. But who knows, maybe they will last much longer if treated like poppies or hollyhocks.

    Which is your favorite color? I can't decide if I prefer the pink or the pure white.

  5. A very lovely hollyhocks arrangement... and I so love them!!!!

  6. Hi Maria Cecilia, Hollyhocks are fabulous aren't they. One can easily dry them in sand and enjoy them for the rest of the year.

  7. Interesting! I never knew you had to treat the ends of the hollyhocks...they are such pretty, happy flowers.

  8. Such beautiful flowers and beautiful ceremics. And they make a very colourful mosaic.

  9. Thanks for the tip. I am going to try some in a vase this summer. Have a wonderful week.

  10. Love your flower collage. Thanks for the tip to singe the stems. I didn't know that. Nancy

  11. Hi Nancy, Ingmarie, Garden of Threads and Sueskitchen, Thank you for commenting dear ladies. Remember to also singe stems of all varieties of Poppies. The larger/thinner the stem, adjust time of singing. 10 seconds for thin and longer for thicker. also remember notto use the main stalk for hollyhocks...only the smaller side shoots work.

  12. I love Hollyhocks. They remind me of my grandmother and that's a good thing! Happy Monday!

  13. Hi Snap, And a happy Monday to you too. Thanks for visiting.

  14. Thanks for your suggestion on the care of flowers. I never thought of that.

  15. Gina, the collage is gorgeous! I did not know this to do to the hollyhocks, TY for sharing.

    Have a fabulous PS weekend,
    TTFN ~

  16. Oh my gosh those flowers are breathtaking!

    Sparkly Hugs and a Happy Pink Saturday,
    Tobi and the Pixies!

    PS- come visit- I am having a giveaway!!

  17. Happy Pink Saturday Gina Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous share today. I love hollyhocks, Momma always had them in her gardens when I was growing up. She even made us dolls from them on occasion.

    I did not know the part about needing to singe the end of the cut over a flame.

    Love the mosaic. You did a beautiful job of putting it together. Hope you have a wonderful weekend sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  18. Happy pink saturday!

    Love the mosaic!


  19. These Hollyhocks are beautiful. I'm so sad that they don't grow in my neck of the woods (San Diego). Happy Pink Saturday! ~Marti

  20. Beautiful and wonderful tip!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  21. Hi LV, Marydon, Tobi, Cottage Touch, Country Wings, Only Cute Things, Marti, Gallery and Nancy, I hope that you will try my little trick with hollyhocks. They are so beautiful and so showy.

  22. Gorgeous mosaic!

    Thanks for joining the garden party,
