Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I could learn how to make home made wine

But I don't want to

I have tasted home made wines

And I still don't want to

My "Interlaken" grapes are perfect table grapes.  They are also perfect for my famous  (there is that word again)  "Champagne Grape Jelly".  And, I have bottled grape juice.  Didn't even have to add sugar. 

I have more.  Now what should I do with them?

Any Ideas?



  1. Could you make raisins with them?

  2. Dear Francesca, A great idea you have. I was wondering about making raisins. Do you take the grapes from the stem or do you dry them intact? Do you dry them similar to tomatoes? Thank you for a great suggestion. We love raisins. These should be good they have never been sprayed.

  3. Stunning pics! Amazing space you got here...calling from Pink Sat! Hope to see you on my blog:)
    Happy weekend!

  4. They are quite stunning, but unfortunately I have no idea what else you could do with them. Beautiful photos! Have a great day!

  5. Great photos so inviting! I guess maybe you can dry them and make raisins?! I love your sorroundings. Thanks for sharing, I'm at Pink Saturday. Hugs, FABBY
