Monday, January 24, 2011


I was raised by parents who came from East Prussia
That is where I was born, by the Baltic Sea

It takes discipline to paint like this and even more discipline to complete it

My family emigrated to the United States when I was a very young teenager.  I was on my own when I was 17 years old.
I loved the freedom that I sensed American teenagers enjoyed

I have painted since I was very young.  My Father took me on many painting expeditions

I spent many years working.  Later in life I decided to go to University where I received a degree in Anthropology and Art History

All along my husband and I traveled

Right from the start I was drawn to Italian ceramics, known as Maiolica (Majolica)
After taking many lessons,  in Italy and other parts of Europe, I now paint ceramics in the 600-year-old Italian Renaissance Tradition

It takes patience (something I didn't have when I was young) and discipline to complete one of these pieces.
I'm grateful to my parents who taught me discipline and how to be patient.



  1. Gina,
    I don't know how you do it. Your patience and knowledge must be endless. While I am patient, it is only to a degree. I would feel as if I should already have it done by now, wondering what why it was taking me so long.

    Boy would I love to return to school or take classes in paint restoration of furniture, canvas paintings, etc. I would need to learn from those who do it the way they've done it for centuries.
    You are inspiring me!


  2. You also have passion! Discipline and passion combined allow you to create such detailed pieces.

  3. Gina, your work is gorgeous! I'm so glad I found your site!

  4. Dear Ann, What about those fabulous ceilings you paint. What about waiting two weeks to force branches to bloom, what about taking photographs until you have just the right one and on and on...
    talk about patience! You've got it.

  5. Dear Theresa, Believe me, my parents would have never thought that I could sit down for days and paint one item. My projects are mostly small ones, nothing like what you tackle in some of your fabulous installations.
    Check above for your award:

  6. Dear Mark, Welcome and thank you so much for bestowing upon me the "Stylish Blogger Award". I was delighted to receive this wonderful recognition.

  7. What a nice post. Discipline is hard to teach, it takes discipline to teach it, and it's not a paradox. I love it when you write about your life.

  8. Dear Francesca, You are one person who is very familiar with discipline. I think your newest creations(the prettiest little crocheted slippers)are very, very special.

  9. Gina:

    What a beautiful post. It's so wonderful of you to share the real secret behind your glorious art - discipline. I think that many of us don't have the discipline we should. Thank you for reminding us of just how important it is and thank you for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  10. Oh Gina, you're so talented, wow! You sure need patience and time, plus you need to be an artist, like you, to decorate like this! I'm husband had a Ceramic Factory for 30 yrs., up til 3 yrs. ago, when he sold it! I used to design dishes, china sets, where it was made by the "wheel", by hand and the decoration I designed, inspired in the native Ecuadorian, indians embroidered cloths, the skirts and blouses and even men's shirts. You can go and look at my past posts, Thnksgiving, Valentines, and more... you'll be interested as I am of yours. Congrats, this is stunning!

  11. Dear Fabby, Thank you for leaving a comment. I would not have had the opportunity to meet you if you had not commented. I read many of your blog posts and marvel at the beautiful ceramics your factory used to produce. Your designs are so original, colorful and artistic. Please, let's stay in touch I would like to know more.

  12. Dear Tablescaper, Your compliment means a lot. Your photography is fantastic. I like everything about your blog. I have never seen tablescapes so beautifully executed and the variety of ideas endless. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to participate.

  13. I am so glad that, courtesy of Karen's post, I have visited your beautiful beautiful site. I certainly agree with you about the value of discipline, and also practice. How wonderful it is that all your talent takes that discipline and creates delightful ceramics that seem to have arrived via magic!

    Best wishes.

  14. Hi Frances, I am so happy to meet you. Thank you so much for your visit. Your comment is so appreciated.
