Friday, January 21, 2011

Monday is Wash Day, Tuesday is Ironing Day

That is the way it was in our home
Every female had to take turns ironing

In my home I iron by the kitchen window
Where orchids are blooming in the middle of winter

Where I can see who is coming down the lane

I don't iron by hand, I have a Miele ironing machine

When not in use it sits in a broom closet
and unfolds and snaps into place when I need it

And then it goes to work
All I have to do is step on the foot pedal and guide the cloth through the machine

I only iron twice a year
Mostly napkins

I paint many of my napkins.  This one is hand  block printed with acrylic paints and shapes cut from old computer mouse pads

Even large and fancy tablecloths are a snap

Wish you could have one too

Happy weekend, my dear blogging Friends


Therese Long of the fine Blog La Dolfina is looking for an Ironride for her Mother.   Her readers would like to see a tutorial.  The above is on a different machine but I think that all are very similar.   


  1. Well, of COURSE you have a Miele ironing machine, dear Gina – because you do everything to the highest standard and quality. Wow, I honestly didn't know this machine existed. I confess I don't even have an ironing board. But I do love linens and have a lot of family heirloom pieces. So, yes, I wish I could have one, too! I wonder if it would do a duvet cover – I hate creases in those. :) – g

  2. Oh no, dear Georgianna, I don't do anything to the highest standard or quality. I do try to paint my ceramics to the best of my ability and even try to improve my skills on my varied trips to Europe.
    You are so blessed to have your family heirloom linens. I would love to see you feature them in one of your posts. I appreciate old linens and look for them wherever I can.
    Duvet covers are easy to iron on the Miele, but because they are designed with double fabric, creases are still a problem. Before I had this machine I ironed everything on my large kitchen table.

  3. I must admit that I do LOVE ironing! Particulary man's shirts. And all the table ware. Love the smell of freshly washed linen and watching television during ironing. I found it very relaxing, but not my back....

    Have a lovely weekend und herzlichen Gruss

  4. Ah, ironing few of us are left on the planet who do that
    and what a quiet pleasure it is.
    Your house looks enchanting.
    Just popped over from poor Pamela's blog......
    I was to be the writing instructor in Marrakesh
    and had been preparing for ages and ages.
    We are all truly down in the dumps and discovering your blog was a great tonic.

  5. Dear Karin, I also love the smell of freshly laundered linens. Can't say that I enjoyed ironing my husband's shirts. Luckily we are now retired and he doesn't need as many white shirts.
    Schoenen Gruss von Amerika, liebe Karin, und hab ein shoenes wochenende.

  6. Dear Elizabeth, Welcome! I can imagine how disappointed you all are. I know what it is like to prepare for such an important worksop. I teach a few workhops at our local college. It is a lot of work getting ready. What makes it even more disappointing for you is that it was to be held in Marrakech. Marrakech is a very special place. I don't know how your workshop was organized but could your group not plan it anyway?

  7. I am having some serious ironing lust at the moment! You have a beautiful spot to iron by and that machine!! I love that you paint your napkins.
    Do you sell them?

    Just found you via Pamela @ House of Edward :)


  8. Gina, you have been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award. Here is a link to my post to see what it is all about. Congratulations! Mark

  9. Dear Jeanne, Welcome. It's nice to see you here. Thank you for asking. Yes, I do sell hand painted napkins, usually cotton napkins painted with colorful fruit and leaf designs. The one pictured in my post is a see-through type, great to wrap around a champagne bottle but not good for dinner napkins.

  10. Dear Mark, I'm so surprised and honored to win this coveted award. Thank you very much for including me in your list of ten. Actually, I'm speechless.

  11. my aunt has one of those ironing machines, and I loved rolling through it napkins etc when I was a child. They iron beautifully. I wish I could put my husband's shirts through it too :)

  12. Dear Francesca, I watched a demonstration on how to iron blouses and shirts on this machine. It is easier to do them the old fashioned way...but large and flat pieces are a breeze.

  13. Gina, I love your machine ! it does a perfect ironing, i'm really impressed. You know, i love ironing as i find it a soothing activity. Your hand painted napkins are a delight !

  14. Dear Lala, Congratulations! I have bestowed upon you the "Stylish Blogger Award", see above for details.
    Love, Gina

  15. Love your piles of beautiful and expertly ironed linens!

    Our apartment came with a Miele ironing machine, but I put it in the broom closet because I have no idea how to use it. When I moved to Europe, I bought one of those semi-professional steamer irons with a large water reservoir on the side. I am quite happy with it.

  16. Hi Merisis, There is nothing to it. Sit down, push the foot pedal and place your ironing on the roller. That's it. Oh, you have to turn on the machine.

  17. Gina, here I am again after posting questions on your etsy store. I am just in love with the idea for your tiles over my stove top as a mural type arragement. I see from the above posts that you make napkins. Do you have these napkins anywhere for sale? I am always trying to find napkins that I like but never seem to find very many interesting napkins or napking rings. I would love tiny little maijolica tiles attached to napkins rings! Wouldn't that be wonderful?

  18. Hi Snippets/Sarah, Have tried to send pictures through Etsy, might have to send them to your e-mail.
    A mural would be great, let me know what you are interested in. I don't sell napkins in stores, I usually paint them to order.
    Your idea of attaching little maiolica tiles to napkin rings is a brilliant idea. We would have to put our heads together and see what size would be practical.

  19. Couldn't live without my ironing machine, mine is Pfaff -saves my life!! Twice a year! I need mine at least each week, well done for this very clear tutorial.

  20. Dear Sharon, Some of my regular ironing I still prefer doing on my large kitchen table...the way I was taught when I was young and we took turns ironing. But when I iron on the Miele it takes almost all day to get through the boxes of laundered linens. As you can see, in my pictures, there are hundreds of napkins alone.
