Our friends J and B invited us to come for a visit. No wonder so many people love California. It is beautiful. It has everything; The ocean, the warming sun, flowers blooming everywhere, mild climate and fruit and blossoms on trees at the same time.
Picking oranges, lemons and limes with the sun shining on my face.
Taking in the intoxicating perfume. What a treat, especially for us snowbirds coming from minus degree temperatures and several feet of snow.
Taking in the intoxicating perfume. What a treat, especially for us snowbirds coming from minus degree temperatures and several feet of snow.
Welcoming us, the portal to the garden, hand carved doors from Mexico. Palm trees planted by B forty years ago... the trees now almost a hundred feet tall.
Beauty everywhere and flowers in our apartment
We brought our treasures home.
We will make lemon juice and freeze it to be used for Summer Margaritas, afternoon teas and most importantly, during canning season when our fruit is ripe.
We are so lucky to have such special friends!
Thank you J and B for a lovely vacation