Saturday, March 5, 2011

Have you noticed? Blogroll thumbnail picture has disappeared.

On March 1st, you lost your thumbnail image on blogroll!

Phalaeonopsis blooming in my house

We lost a feature I liked but there is a solution.
Sharon of myfrenchcountryhome and
Mark of allthingsruffnerian  and I (Art and Alfalfa) put on our thinking caps and voila, it's fixed.

What it boils down to is that a small portion of your html needs to be changed.

Sharon gives more precise instructions in her blogpost of today. 
Thank you Sharon and Thank you Mark 

Wouldn't you know that it actually took Sharon's 13 year old son, Jim, who pointed out that the "s" also had to be removed.  All of us overlooked this little, but very important detail.

Let me know if you need a little help.

You will have to repeat the above maneuver each and every time time you publish a new post.

All fixed and tied up in a tidy little bundle



  1. Thank you for posting that which needs to be shared throughout Bloggerland! You get an extra gem in your halo, Gina!

  2. Dear Mark, I love gems, especially in my crown...don't deserve the halo. We did well didn't we? However, Blogger will find a way to thwart us.
