Monday, March 14, 2011

Our Guest cottage

What was not allowed into the house went across the our Guest Cottage

Old and new, repaired or left as is

From the Thrift Store,  a King Louis the XVI bed or is it King Louis the XIV?

Guests must have a full length mirror, we dress for cocktails

Flowers, Stripes, Plaids, just the way I like them

Gene built and carved this fine bench

And Gene carved this fine  table

There should be lots of books

It's nice if there is a small kitchen so guests can fix their morning coffee (and the host can sleep in)

You can hide things from your guests, such as the refridgerator behind curtains

A bathroom is a swell idea

It's all right to practice new color combinations on walls
Guest may not want to stay too long

And always Do remember the flowers



  1. Lucky guests Gina, what an amazing bench, is that your husband's work?!!


  2. Beautiful guest cottage! I can't think of anyone who wouldn't think that your place is dreamy indeed. The bench your husband made and carved is amazing.

  3. You and Gene are truly amazing, Gina. Not just your home, but your lives are a work of art. xo – g

  4. This is a guest quarter fit for a King and Queen, gorgeous!
    Gene's bench and table are so beautiful. In my next life I shall dream of being your guest.

    I admired Cindy's bowls in the post below. I am looking forward to see what you decide to do. I think they will love being caressed by your brush drunken with the colors of Morocco.

    I suppose you have seen Bernardo Bertolucci's 1990s movie "The Shelterin Sky", a visual feast.

  5. Hi Sharon, Yes, Gene carved the bench and table. My Father was a very fine woodcarver. When he was alive Gene would spend one afternoon a week carving with my Dad.

  6. Hi Sarah, Been enjoying your posts. Loved the enormous Chocolate Easter Egg picture.

  7. Dear Georgianna, It is always lovely to hear from you. Thank you for means so much...your work is amazing.

  8. Hi Merisi, How do you do it? New subjects and new photographs every day. It's always a pleasure to be greeted by your posts each morning.
    P.S. Must join the 21st c. and update our equipment so that I can watch "The Sheltering Sky".

  9. It is a fabulous guest cottage. And what time are the guests fixing their morning coffee if the host is sleeping in?

  10. What an amazing experience you're giving your guests - it's a dream cottage!

  11. Hi Christine and hello Steven, You caught me. I never sleep in. The mornings in the country are too beautiful to miss.

  12. Dear Francesca, I'll post a picture when we can open the French doors and see nothing but green fields for miles.

  13. I think you are both a renaissance couple! I love all of the books.

  14. Gene is talented indeed — ou both are! I'd think that you'd have to pry guests out of your delightful guesthouse — I'm sure some have been tempted to be squatters.

  15. Gina-HELP! Please email about a technique I need help with.


  16. Hi Theresa, I have sent you an e-mail.

  17. Dear Mark, no matter how much our guests kick and scream, they can only stay a few days. We actually had a Chef from Germany ask if he could stay for 2 months so he could take horse back riding lessons.

  18. Lucky, lucky guests! Not only a visual delight, but a lesson in thoughtfulness. How on earth do you prise people out of here?

    And I'm curious to see what you do with the bowls in your previous post. So hard to decide - I love the simplicity of the pure white that shows off their form, but your colours are glorious. I think Mark's suggestion is the best - leave one as it is and paint the others. Please show us the end result!

  19. Dear Karen, I have painted one of the bowls... will see if it is fit for publication after it is fired. Still working on design ideas for the other vessels. Thank you for always pleases me to hear from my blogging friends.

  20. oh my my this is wonderful Gina!!!
    You have such a great idea.. the ability to blend all these patterns but without overload or confusion!!! fabulous..

    Have a great day.. ciao xxxx Julie

  21. Dear Julie, Have you noticed that if you like something, usually everything lives happily together.

  22. I can understand why a guest asked to stay for 2 months! Nothing like a lovely and interesting place to stay. And the books- that's where I'd be after admiring your decor!

  23. Dear Ann, Often I go next door and pretend to be a guest and spend a little time with my books.

  24. I just adore all the pictures you have shown. So beautiful.

  25. Hi Willow, Thank you for your visit and thank you for your compliments.

  26. Such a charming guest cottage- your colors and patterns are wonderful! Such incredible talent! I host a decorating party on the weekend at my blog if you would like to come share sometime. Have a great weekend!

  27. I would never leave. ;)

  28. Wow! I love your guest cottage-I wouldn't want to leave!


  29. Gina, your work, artistry, design, is simply fabulous. Just beautiful. I am inspired by your creativity and talent. This blog and your ceramics are a feast for the eye! I am going to linger here a bit longer. When I first saw your ceramics, I thought perhaps you lived in Europe, but no, Utah! We are not too far apart---I am in NE.

  30. Dear Joy, So pleased that you stopped by for a visit. I love your photography. Your photos are very special and so professional...I have a lot to learn.

  31. Dear Courtney, Thank you for the invite. I will join you once in a while and thank you for hosting such a wonderful party.

  32. Hi Marcia, Thank you for your visit. I am so delighted that you stopped by.

  33. Hi Carolyn, Your comment and visit is so appreciated. Hope you stop by again.
