Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Room with a View

The Room with the View from the Tub

A view to our barn and the mountains beyond

There are only 2 rooms upstairs
A Bedroom and a Bathroom

It's like taking a bath with the birds

 The bedroom balcony looks over our pond and the valley beyond

The fruit trees are in full bloom
They managed to survive the frost last night

The way to the upstairs

The beginning

Gene celebrating because it is almost finished

And finally finished

We're heading for warmer temperatures this week
Snow is melting fast, water will be rushing down the mountains
Sand bags have been filled for those who might be threatened

Spring has officially begun



  1. Wow! Do your houseguests stay there? :-) xo,

  2. Hi Barbara, Nope, that's where we live...however, the views from the Guest Cottage are even better.

  3. Gina, what a grand home you have! That staircase is stunning and what a treat to take a bath, lie back and gaze out that door! A home well planned!

  4. Your stairwell begs for dramatic entrances...I hope you do that often...with lots of flair and fashion....

  5. I'd never get anything done except gaze out at my views! How stunning!


  6. I feel so sorry for folks like you who have to suffer with such a drab view - - - and from the bathtub too!


  7. Oh...this is heavenly Gina! listening to birds on your bathtub, that's life indeed...and bravo to Gene..fantastic job ! :-)

    ps : once again, thank you so much for your words of support re aprons....

  8. Dear Alaine, Our home is not grand at all. Only 2,450 square feet... but we built and designed it to suit us. It would not do for many folks.

  9. Hi Mermaid, It's been tested, many times, mostly by my friends. I'm usually working gloveless hands in the soil or getting pigments and glazes all over me.

  10. Hi Keetha, We can fix that, come for a visit and help us enjoy the view.

  11. Dear Lala, I always enjoy seeing little vignettes of your life in Spain.

  12. What a beautiful environment you and Gene have created! The fact alone that you put up that staircase is most impressive. I'm mostly a taker of quick showers, but I'd convert to long baths for that view. I'd love to know about the pediment medallion.

  13. Hi Mark, We didn't built the staircase but Gene figured out how to plaster, on top of chicken wire, the underside of the stairs.
    We also mostly take showers, but after a long cross country ski picnic, it does soothe the old bones.

    The pediment medallion????? Where? I'll tell you all when I know where the pediment medallion is.

  14. Your home looks amazing Gina, but I am confused about your seasons. If your snow is only just melting now, how does nature manage to fit everything in before the fall?!
    Hope you're keeping well

  15. Gina, this is a bathroom and bedroom of dreams! I'm struck by your comment that you built and designed your home to suit yourselves - this is the ideal, isn't it? But I would add that you have matched the incredible natural beauty of your surroundings with an equally beautiful interior. Your artist's eye and attention to detail shines through in every photograph.

  16. Such a charming and beautiful exterior and interior. You have done a wonderful job. And the view: One could die for it.

  17. Dear Sharon, No wonder you are confused. Some of our Spring seasons are early, not this year. It gets very hot (100 degrees F.)in the Summer and the garden grows very fast. Often, by the middle to the end of September we will have a frost. We can grow a lot of wonderful vegetables and flowers but have to do without the more exotic plantings.

  18. Dear Karen, Gene and I are very lucky. We have been married for 46 years and often see eye to eye on many things. Building our house, in 1994, was pure pleasure.
    Thank you for your lovely comments.

  19. Dear Ingmarie, Moving to the country, from the big city, after we both retired was the best decision we have made. Yes, the opera, symphony and ballet we had to leave behind. But instead we have wide open spaces, unspoiled soil to plant, and as a reward, a trip to Europe at the end of the growing season.
    Ingmarie, I would love to know more about your photography. Will you post a blog about it.

  20. So you did have the frost! Did you have to bring in the geraniums and then move them back out?

    Gina- would you mind telling me again when your class is?

    And those poppies!! I just planted some a few weeks ago. Guess I'll have to wait a few years...

  21. Hi Ann, We had a light frost. I covereed some of the Geraniums and moved some of them into the garage. The all made it and so did the fruit trees.
    The workshop is July 15th and 16th. It will be a 2-day, intensive learning experience and it will be a lot of fun.
    I love Shirley poppies. They self-seed and come in many colors. They are an annual, they bloom the first year.

  22. That staircase is amazing - so loved seeing the construction shot! And the bathroom - I'd never leave!!

  23. What a wonderful and stunning view! Wie in den Alpen!
    Why do you travel????? You have everything at home!
    A happy looking man and a beautiful 'kind of French' staircase, and...and...and...
    Ganz herzlichen Gruss liebe Gina,

  24. Dear Linda, Under construction, that staircase looks pretty good allready. It takes up a lot of room but what's left over has held many functions.

  25. Dear Karin, You know how it is. Ich hab die Wanderlust. There was a time, where3 I grew up, that travel was not possible. I'm making up for it now. I want to see every little corner of this beautiful world.

  26. Wow, the views are gorgeous. And I love the staircase railing, just beautiful. Have a great week!

  27. Hi Eileen, I designed several railings and finally found an artist who took my faorite and made it for us. The artist was an older Chinese Lady. She was a sight to behold wielding all that fire and heat.

  28. Gorgeous views, especially that on the first photograph... lovely. Thanks for participating in our Show Off Your Cottage Monday and brining me here! Have a magical day!


  29. Hi Cielo, Thank you for your visit and sweet comment. Hope you have a great week.

  30. Oh, WOW! I love your home!~
    Your yellow home looks like the giallo casa we're renting during our year here in Italy!!!!!!

    Lana In Italy

  31. Gina,
    You have a gorgeous home! Gotta love the work you all have put into it. Thanks for showing us around and linking it to Home Sweet Home!

  32. Hi Lana in Italy, I'm so glad that you commented. I will become your newest follower...don't want to miss any of your beautiful and interesting posts. We love Italy and visit often. We have spent a lot of time in northern Italy, hence the design of our house. Welcome to my blog and I hope you visit again soon.

  33. Hi Sherry, Thank you for leaving a comment. It is so appreciated. I look forward to getting to know you better.
