Friday, June 3, 2011

At the Top

My blogging friend Mark of "All ThinfsR
doesn't miss much

Mark noticed the ornament at the top of my house from a recent blog post

What you see on top of my house is a detail from a large woodcarving.
I had a mold made from which the roundel was cast

 My Father was a Master Woodcarver from the Old Country
When we built our new home I wanted to honor my Father.  He is the one who encouraged me to follow my dreams, however grandiose, however small.

My Father's trademark, every chisel mark is left in the carving

These Lion head table legs belong to a large Chess Table

My Father carved with ebony and walnut exclusively

Two of these heavy pieces used to hold up a glass coffee table
Too many friends scraped their shins

Mark, did you also notice the tiny bird sitting on the ledge, I didn't. 

And what about the Lion of Venice, just above the door, which I had carved in Mexico?



  1. Gina, your father had hands of gold. No wonder you have those same hands! I love that little bird hanging out - a little messenger from above, perhaps? xo,

  2. What an artist your father was! I had noticed carved legs of furniture in some of your photos before, but had no idea your father had carved them. No wonder you are so talented, with his genes and his encouragement!

    What is the purple-pinkish bush in the first picture? Don't think we have that here in Texas. Very pretty.

  3. Hi Barbara, Alas, my talents are small compared to my Father. He was also a fine watercolorist. He sent me to drafting school in East that I would always have a job...I hated it.

  4. Hi Jacki, that bush is a lilac bush. It must be almost 100 years old. The old varieties smell heavenly. For some reason (the weather) our entire town has enormous lilac bushes blooming at the same time. It is like living and breathing in a perfume shop.

  5. You know how I think a house should have a story...yours is a very personal one! I love the carving,,,especially the large base that once held the glass table top.
    You definitely understand the power of small details...the san marco lion...the little bird and of course, the ornament. All wonderful pieces to the story of your life!

  6. I was intrigued by the roundel, and am delighted to know that its meaning is so personal. Your father was indeed a master, and what strikes me about his handsome work is that it complements so perfectly the paintings and ceramics that you do. My own father was also an artist (though it was not his livelihood), and one gift that he gave me was the courage to create and mold my own environment. I have a feeling that you were gifted the same way. Thanks for a beautiful posting!

  7. Gina, I never knew this most poignant story about your family and home. Your father would be very proud of you!

    Be sure to enter my awesome $250 Giveaway from Tracy Porter!!

    Art by Karena

  8. Dear Theresa, Thank you for your lovely comment. I'm always so happy when you stop by for a visit.

  9. Hi Mark, We are both lucky in that we lived in an environment which fostered whatever talents we have.

  10. Hi Karena, You always have the best Giveaways. Thanks for your visit.

  11. what a nice tribute to your father.

  12. Hi Francesca, Loved your way of "hanging herbs to dry". It's one of my favorite photographs.
