Saturday, July 16, 2011

Greens for the Chickens and for their Owners

If you want your eggs to 'sit up' like this

You have to go to your chicken coop and get them

If you want your eggs to be this orange
You have to give your chickens lots of fresh greens every day

My chickens are pampered
I grow lots of fresh greens for them in my garden

This is their favorite green this year - a mild variety of Collards

However, there must always be lots of Greens left for us
Curly Kale

Collards and Turnip Greens

Early Cabbages growing under chicken wire and white gauze to keep the dreaded cabbage worm away.

My Garden must always have 'Zuckerhut'  cabbage,  the perfect cabbage for making Sauerkraut. 

Chickens need Greens and so do the Owners, this time in a Quiche.


Have a great weekend my dear Blogging Friends


  1. Yummy, I love eggs and even Dr. Oz says they are a super -food (and my cholesterol is near perfect for my age, according to my personal physician.) xo,

  2. Your quiche looks mighty appetizing, especially since I haven't eaten my dinner yet! Well, I certainly learned something new from you today — I never knew chickens ate greens! But then, if they were in the wild, what else would they eat?

  3. And those eggs are so good!! Tomorrow for breakfast we'll have the rest of the eggs you sent home with us. I've been rationing them because they're so tasty. Store bought eggs will never compare.

  4. Every detail of your amazing life and lifestyle is thought out and carried out with style and beauty, Gina. I think you should write a book. Maybe you already have? :) xo – g

  5. Hi Barabara, We agree with you; Chicken Eggs are good for you.

  6. Hello Mark, Chickens also chase butterflies and eat all sorts of vermins trying to beat me to my vegetables. We also give them ground up oyster shells. It aids in their digestion and hardens their shells.

  7. Hi Jacki, There is a big difference isn't there. I'm glad your enjoying the eggs. We enjoyed your visit.

  8. Dear Georgianna, My book would be very boring. I would be writing about flowers and more flowers and more flowers.
    Your last post about Paris is exceptional. I knew that you would see Paris have an extraordinary gift.

  9. It's a beautiful, green garden. What is that mixed vegetable dish in the small photo at the center of your collage?

  10. Dear Francesca, It's the Quiche before the beaten eggs are poured over and grated cheese is added.
    And yes, that is an agapanthus flower in your last post. Your vegetable garden is way ahead of looks beautiful. Your hard work is paying off.

  11. Your posts always have the most beautiful photos! I think I would eat anything you cook!

  12. OMG, I had no idea chicken ate greens. Really. But, you know, it makes sense doesn't it. And, thank goodness they do so you'll have some for yourselves. I wish I lived closer. xx's

  13. My chickens also like their greens, and reward us with the most perfect eggs. The perfect food!

  14. I'd love to have chickens...I've got the greens it's a start!!

  15. A wonderful post. Very lovely photos. Such fresh vegetables. And the quiche looks fabulous too.

  16. Great post, it must be nice having fresh eggs every day:)

  17. Well, first I would have to get the chickens. Your pictures are just wonderful! Truth be told, I would love to raise chickens but our town does not allow it, however, we do garden. Yours look amazing and I love the pictures of all the greens.

  18. Hi Theresa, And you are welcome any time at our table.

  19. Dear Marsha, you should see my chickens chasing butterflies and also eating all kinds of other undesirable critters...great pest control.

  20. Dear Pondside, Sometimes I think we keep chickens just so I can hear the rooster crowing.

  21. Hello Sue, thank you for your visit. Keeping chickens is very easy...they almost take care of themselves. Give it a try.

  22. Thank you Ingmarie, I love your blog...your photographs are beautiful...I'm learning from the expert.

  23. Hi Garden of Threads, Thank you for your visit. Fresh eggs are a real treat. Wish I could send you a dozen.

  24. Hi Black Eyed Susan, More and more cities now allow chickens. Would be nice if your town could change its mind.

  25. Gina, what an incredible garden you have. Your chickens have certainly lucked out living with you. The quiche looks delicious and reminds me that I need to make one soon; the dish you have it in is lovely. It must be a real pleasure to eat at your table. I think I'd better hit your "follow" button now.

  26. Hi Karen, Oh, how wonderful! You are a follower. I love your blog and I am so pleased that you like mine.

  27. So much wonderful produce. The quiche looks sooooooooo good. Now to just go out and gather it all would be a dream. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty.

  28. Hi Marty, come on over and gather some for yourself...there is enough for an army.
