Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The most Perfect Vegetable

Ronde de Nice

Also known as Rolly Polly Zucchini, the Emerald Heirloom Squash

Ready to eat when golf ball size and stays tender when much larger.

Cut up into bite size pieces and saute in a little unsalted butter and olive oil.  Season with sea salt and a few turns of the pepper mill.

The entire Zucchini is edible including the skin and blossoms.
Dredge blossoms into beer batter and deep fry.

In the Fall,  be sure to save a few seeds for next year.



  1. These photos have the quality of a painting - they make me want to look at them forever! Your artist's eye is unerring. I also love your previous chicken-and-egg post ... and that quiche looks mouth-wateringly delicious, all the more so for being in one of your bowls (I'm guessing). Is there a recipe?

  2. I've never grown them, they would make a nice change from the usual long zucchini!

  3. Hi Francesca, I will save you a few seeds for next year, if you like. You will be hooked on them as we are.

  4. Hi Karen, what an honor! Thank you so much for your compliment. I've been enjoying your posts coming from Portugal. I hope you have time to add a few more before you go back to England.

  5. love your photography... they are also fabulous stuffed~

  6. You really are an amazing photographer. I feel like I could reach out & touch them. I live right in the middle of Houston in a lovely townhome, but no room for growing veggies. Maybe I should rethink this? xx's

  7. Hi, Gina - I agree with Karen — your superb photographs have the look of fine, old Flemish paintings. I don't know what to get out first, a spoon or a paintbrush.

  8. Hi Blue Moon, You are right...they are great when stuffed. Thanks for the reminder.

  9. Hi Marsha, If I lived in a townhouse I would try one vegetable...the Rolly Polly. They grow in a smallish pot, They have long beautiful tendrils and pretty yellow flowers and little Ronde de Nice to eat.

  10. Hi Mark, Oh Boy, you made my day! What a compliment! Blogging has taught me to be a better photographer. When I look at my early posts I see a big improvement. Your comment made me very happy.

  11. Hi Gina...

    How interesting! This is the first time that I've ever seen or heard of "rolly polly" zucchini! Mmmm...it sure does sound yummy! I love zucchini and fix it the same way that you do!

    Well dear lady, thanks for sharing this post with us for the Sunday Favorites party this week!

    Have a super Sunday!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  12. Hi Gina...

    Just lil' ol' me again! I was reading through your comments and just had to say that I agree with Mark! Your photographs are soooo very beautiful, my friend! You are such a talented lady!


  13. Dear Chari, What lovely comments. I so appreciate what you have to say. I hope you try the Ronde de Nice zucchini next growing season. I think that you will love them. Right now they are growing faster than we can eat them or share them.
