Thursday, July 28, 2011

Just in time

You found us just in time...

Eureka! We have cherries this year.  More than we can use.  In the past we have had to fight the birds for the cherries.
Come on over and pick a few.

 How do you get a net over a big cherry tree?  You tie a rock to the end and fling it over the tree, hoping all the while that it won't come flying back.

Of course, you can always get a few plastic owls with rotating heads, no less.
The robins immediately recognized the impostors.

You can have these too.  They're collecting dust in our garage.

What was needed is an honest to goodness real live owl.

She showed up just in time. From the very top she watches  over our cherry tree.

But now, my sassy little sparrows, who live in our red tile roof, have also disappeared.  I hear them complaining in a distant tree. 

Have a great weekend my dear Blogging Friends.



  1. Nature's call,how wonderful! You will have your bowl of cherries.

  2. love seeing your owl. can't believe how late cherries ripen where you live compared to me~

  3. Great photos, Gina. I love fresh cherries. The shot of the owl is fantastic. Owl is doing a good job keeping guard. xo,

  4. *smile* Your photos are gorgeous!
    I am glad you found a volunteer to guard the cherries. ;-)

  5. You have the healthiest looking cherries! I've looked at that first photo and made a mental note that pink is a very good color for cherry reflections!

  6. Hello Lynne, You're right...a bowl of is just a bowl of cherries.

  7. Hi Blue Moon, That owl has decided to stick around. Our cherries are a bit late this year...and so is everything else. Thanks for your visit.

  8. Hi Barbara, I've never seen anything like it! The robins are petrified of the owl and won't come near the cherry tree. Good for us...more cherries for winter pies.

  9. Hi Merisi, Welcome...and all the way from Wien, one of my most favorite cities. I love your daily little messages and photos of happiness

  10. Hi Mark, Wish you could come and pick a bunch of cherries. You are right, sour cherries have a very luminous quality about them.
