Saturday, July 30, 2011

What took us so long?

We have a beautiful view to the West.

Our Lucy appreciates the view

We built the balustrades right from the start, they were part of the terrace.

All that was needed were a few columns and a roof.

And so we began.

We knew that Charlie, our dog from the shelter, and Stanley our very old gentleman cat, would appreciate the shade.

We would also appreciate the shade and so would our friends.
  (I took this picture this morning and just now noticed my owl, this time on top of the open window. She is a clever one.)!

After the columns,  the roof and shade material was added.   When we built our house, 17 years ago, I planted an Interlaken grape in one of the corners (I must have known).

 There is also a secret little reading niche by the fountain.

And another little spot for a cafe au lait for two.

It's perfect for everyone.

Our house is cooler, our fabrics are safe, our friends are happy and so are we. 

Have a happy Sunday my dear blogging Friends



  1. Oh, it is divine!!!! I can imagine the cool breeze sitting out there right now!!!!!


  2. it truly is magnificent...

    i adore the shot of her looking west, i have one of my dog like that too on my blog, its just pure contentment to see their contentment~

  3. "Stanley, our very old gentleman cat" sweet!!!! I love the story behind this covered area.

  4. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! The purrfect place for furbabies and their humans!

  5. P.S. I'm going to grab my book and be right over!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

  6. looks like heaven on earth to me ! amazing shot of the owl too very very cool

  7. It's the perfect place for your lucky friends. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a picnic there?

  8. How I'd love to sit on your terrace with that view - I'd be happy to share it with Lucy, Charlie and Stanley!

  9. Wow, could this be any more lovely!

  10. Hi lovely lady.
    Your home is Beautiful and has a lovely view!!! I would love to join you at this perfect place. Im your newest follower on your lovely blo.
    I hope you come over and follow my Tablescapes.
    Also I hope you have a great week with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  11. Gina, that is one very lovely porch.. I love your spot. so idyllic, peaceful and charming. Thanks for sharing, xo marlis

  12. What a beautiful home you enjoy and overlooking some lovely country, too. That's so interesting about your owl...a pet owl? I had to take a closer look to see her there on your open window.

  13. Wow, what a beautiful house and a lovely view. Love the doggie and the owl. Gorgeous photos and mosaic. Thanks for sharing, have a lovely week!

  14. Dear Lana, You have taken time out of your busy day to comment and I so appreciate it. When you get back to the States, why not come for a visit.

  15. Hi Blue Moon, Lucy was actually watching a Blue Heron. We couldn't see it but she was mesmerized.

  16. Dear Theresa, Stanley is 17 years old and he is a gentleman. Thank you so much for your visit.

  17. You're right Snap, It is the perfect spot for all of us.

  18. Hi Kat, That owl has been hanging around for a surprising with everything that goes on around here. Thank you for your visit. It is so appreciatd.

  19. Hi Christine and hello Steven, Yes it would be a great spot for a picnic. But we found a better one in the mountains yesterday...wasn't it a lot of fun!

  20. Dear Karen, You would be so welcome. Have been enjoying your wonderful photos of Lisbon...hope there will be many more.

  21. Hi Lulu, Thank you for coming over. Your visit means a lot. Thank you.

  22. Hi Diane, How nice of you to become a Follower. It is so appreciated. And, thank you also for your sweet compliments.

  23. Hi Marlis, Our spot is peaceful...peaceful for us and our animals...we are very lucky. Thank you so much for your visit.

  24. Hello Vee, She is not a pet owl but has been hanging around for a while...just at the right time to save our cherries from the birds. Thank you for your visit. Please come by again.

  25. Hello Eileen, Great to see you here. Thank you for your visit and lovely comments. I so appreciate them.

  26. A fabulous addition to the house. It fits with the house perfectly. A perfect place to start and end the day. Take care and enjoy your week.

  27. I always enjoy seeing the deft touches you give to all your spaces, and I think it's fair to say that your visiting owl enjoys the energy that you and Gene generate.

  28. Gina, I love love love your house! I am glad to have found your blog today. I hope you will share more soon at Mosaic Monday.

    Come for a visit when you have a moment The Gardening Life.

  29. gina, wow I luv luv your house so much can I come and live with you?
    I'm inviting you to join our linking party every Wednesday at
    Have a fabulous week,

  30. Hi Garden of Threads, It was the perfect solution for the west side of our house. Without the Pergola we were not using the space as much and all along we had these wonderful views. Thank you so much for your comment. It is so appreciated.

  31. Hello Mark, You know all about lake views and how wonderfully entertaining they are. We are so lucky to have it as part of our property. Thank you for stopping by. It is always great to hear from you.

  32. Hi Shirley, I'm also glad that you found me and thank you for your invition... I have been enjoying your beautiful photographs.

  33. Hi Maggie, How generous of you to leave such a wonderful comment. It is so appreciated. Thank you also for you invitation...I will certainly take you up on it.

  34. Oh Gina,
    This is perfectly enchanting - gorgeous view, beautifully adds to the house - magnificent outdoor rooms! Simply lovely!

  35. Hola Gina, it´s been a lot of time since my last visit to your gorgeous blog and just wanted you to know how I loved the new addition to your house, such beauty!!!
    hugs dear

  36. Gina:

    This looks so idyllic. Just beautiful. It is funny how sometimes it takes time for these ideas to come to fruition. Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays. So sorry it's taken me so long to visit.

    - The Tablescaper

  37. Oh my goodness, this is dreamy! I would never leave!
    Thanks for linking, Ill be featuring it tomorrow :)

  38. I can't copy the pics off your site so if you would still like it featured you can go ahead and e-mail me your favorite picture.

  39. Hi Kristin, Thank you for the feature. I have sent you pictures. Hope they will work.

  40. Thank you Kathy. Yes we are lucky...we found a wonderful spot to build our house. Tyhank you for your visit.

  41. Hola Maria Cecilia, It's good to see you here again. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It is so appreciated.

  42. Hi Tablescaper, Yes, sometime it does take a little while to figure it all out. But we're so glad that we can now enjoy it. Thank you for coming by.

  43. This is so lovely!! Congratulations on the design and construction of such a well thought out space!! Enjoy! hugs, cathy

  44. Hi Cathy, Thank you for your sweet compliment. We have been enjoying our is just the perfect answer for our climate. Thank you also, for your visit.

  45. What a serene and tranquil space simply beautiful. I love the doggies too!

  46. Aren't you blessed, not only with a beautiful home and now pergola, but the killer views. I would so love to tour your home.

  47. Gina, What a gorgeous home and pergola! The views are fabulous too. Thank you for sharing at the Open House party.

  48. Hi Dina - You have an absolutely gorgeous home. The pergola is stunning. Thanks so much for linking up with the Sunday Showcase Party. I would love to feature your submission {I just did not want to violate your copyright} Hope you have a wonderful week ahead - Stephanie Lynn

  49. Hi Stephanie, How nice of you to ask. I would be so pleased.

  50. ...I am still enjoying your magic world, Gina....and as I am admiring your wonderful pergola & looking at the view on your lake & seeing these sweet velvet paths taking naps & enjoying life.......we truly have got many passions in common!

    ....Your Art is unbelievable; Your talent amazing & your love for details in your paintings are truly touching!

    All my biggest compliments, Gina!
    ...I certainly will jump over to your etsy shop!!!

    Have a beautiful day, Gina !

    ciao ciao elvira

  51. Dear Elvira, I am so glad that I stumbled upon your blog "Magical Places on Tuscany's Coast". There are so many photos in your blog that are so original and so very beautiful. I don't know of another photographer who can capture the essence of the animal as thoughtfully as you can. I was blown away and mesmerized.
    ciao ed a presto!! Gina
