Sunday, August 7, 2011

I want to keep them

But so does my client

My hand painted tiles, just out of the kiln this morning

I have a rod iron table which needs a few tiles

Yes, I painted them but now they don't belong to me anymore

That reminds me of a story

A story about a bicycle, a bicycle I almost owned when I was eight years old

We were refugees from East Prussia,
(part of Germany before WW II).
We had very little.  Certainly not extra money for a bike.

I knew that I would never have a bicycle

But one evening, at the dinner table, my Father told me that he had a 50/50 chance of getting a bicycle for me.   I really, really wanted one.  What eight year old wouldn't? 

He had asked the man, with the beautiful bicycle,  if he would give it to him.  The man said NO.
I was disappointed in my Dad for telling this not so funny story. 

I've had fancier bikes but this is my favorite, the kind of bike an eight year old would have loved to own. 

So, why don't I just paint a few more tiles.  My very own tiles for my rod iron table. 


Note: All ceramics hand painted  by Gina


  1. Gina, you know how much I love your tiles (you didn't forget about my ram, right :)?) and now I see it looks like you jar your own olives?? I am truly impressed. xo

  2. Hi Barbara, Was I supposed to paint a ram for you and if so did I not mail it to you? I usually paint an order right away. Please help me figure this out.
    No need to be too impressed. What you see are peas, not olives. My little peas became too large and rather than freezing them I had to put them up in bottles.

  3. this is one of my favorite patterns that you make Gina. I know they will be wonderful for someone's home!

  4. Gina, the only tile I have is the "lioness", about a month ago I asked for the ram, you said you had to paint it, never received it. I saw one in Etsy but I don't have an acct and it is hard to order from Etsy w/o one.

  5. Hi Barbara, I have sent you an e-mail.

  6. Hi Theresa, So nice to hear from you. Thank you so much for your comment. Your visist are always so appreciated. Hope you have a great week.
    Regards, Gina

  7. Gina, these new tiles are so splendid, that I can quite understand why you'd be reluctant to part with them.

    That bicycle is a beauty! It is too scary, for me...though not for others, here in New York to ride a bike. One of my dreams is to eventually relocate to a place where bike riding would be the perfect pace for vehicular traveling.

    Best wishes!

  8. Gina, your tiles are beautiful. You are very creative and your photos are wonderful. Have a great week!

  9. Interesting story about the have to wonder about our parents idea of humor sometimes. Your work is just have a real gift.

  10. Hmmm, dads can be interesting. =/

    Lovely pictures of that bicycle...hope it's yours! And, yes, time to make yourself some of your beautiful tiles. I don't imagine that you'll find any finer anywhere.

  11. Love the pictures of the bike. The basket looks very useful. Nice tiles. It is hard to let go of your work, isn't it? Nancy

  12. Hi Frances, I wouldn't ride my bike in New Yark either. Here, in the country it's a piece of cake, Thank you for your lovely comment and visit.

  13. Hello Eileen, What a nice comment. Tthank you. It is so appreciated.

  14. Hi Susan, Welcome and thank you for your visit. How nice of you to take the time to comment.

  15. Hello Vee, No doubt my Dad thought that it was funny. He didn't know how badly I wanted a bike. Thank you for your visit. Hope to see you again.

  16. Hello Nancy, Yes, sometimes it is hard to let go. Thank you for visiting and thank you, also, for leaving a comment. It is so appreciated.

  17. Gina, these are so beautiful! I'm happy I discovered your lovely blog today! Have a wonderful week :)

  18. Hi Niki, Great that you came by for a visit. Thank you so much for your compliment. It is truly appreciated.

  19. I confess, the story of the bike made me smile, though I can understand how a little girl in love with a bike would not. But sometimes life is like that, a 50/50 chance, out of our control, could turn any way.
    Hope you make more tiles for your table - it must be a nice feeling to know that that is totally in your control :)

  20. Your tiles came out beautifully — I'm guessing they will make a fine surround.

  21. Gina, Your talent always amazes me! These tiles are beautiful and I can just imagine them as a fabulous table top. I love the piece you gave me and I just showed it again in my International Table post. Thanks for joining my Open House party this week. Take care.

  22. Your tiles are amazing, the colors and pattern are beautiful. Your blog is wonderful to visit.

    The French Hutch

  23. Hi Francesca, you hit the nail on the head, life is like that...a 50/50 chance.

  24. Hello Mark, I think it's going to be part of a kitchen back splash. I was promised a picture, once installed.

  25. Hi Sherri, Yes, I noticed that it was part in a group of pictures. I am so pleased that you like your tile.

  26. Hi Emily, thank you for your visit. It is so appreciated. Please come by again.

  27. WOW! Aren't you good! These are really pretty...Christine

  28. Gina, you're a very talented artist! I know about hand decorating ceramicas, china, tiles, like you, my hubby had a Ceramic Co. up to 3 more years that he sold it. We used to make china, tiles, accessories for bathrooms, etc. Hope uou visit to see something, I jnow you'll like it, wish I had you at the factory, nothing better than to see the pottery coming out of the kiln. Have a great weekend. FABBY

  29. Gina, I love the bicicle story, it reminds me of a pretty black doll I fell in love with when I was five in the 50's and my mom wouldn't buy it for me cause she said she didn't have any money left, after shopping! The first thing I did for my first daughter was to buy her a black doll, she later loved and I was so happy. I'm your newest follower too. Hugs, FABBY

  30. Hi Christine, Thanks for the compliment and also thank you for your visit. It is very much appreciated.

  31. Hi Fabby, We have talked before. Your factory made beautiful ceramics...quite different from all the rest.
    It is amazing what we remember from our childhood. You made right when you had the opportunity. Your little girl must have been thrilled. Hope you told her your story.

  32. Hi Gina,

    Your painted ceramic tiles are absolutely gorgeous!! I am so impressed; I really love the colors. Your pictures of the bicycle are lovely as well. It certainly looks like you lead an interesting life. Thanks for sharing this post and Happy Seasonal Sunday to you.


  33. Oh that is a sad bicycle story. I'm glad you finally have one. Your tiles are amazing. It's always hard to give up something into which you have poured your heart and soul. xo marlis

  34. Hi Denise, When you have lived as long as I have, interesting things do happen. I'm a very lucky one. Thank you for your visit. Maybe we will meet again.

  35. Hi Marlis, I'm almost getting too old to ride a bicycle, but this one is so easy and it does remind me of the bike I so wanted.

  36. Wow, stories of our past always make us reflect. YOur tiles are glorious and I can well understand your apprehension to sell them. Thanks so much for making your insightful post a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper
