Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It rained Sunday but we went on a picnic anyway

But first, there were chores to finish

Red Currants needed to be picked

And put up in jars to be served with Game, a European tradition.

 Labels have to be affixed

The owl is still watching over my cherry tree
(hey, look out little fellow)

Still so many cherries to pick.  I canned some of them for winter pies.

Some went into little tartlets for our picnic in the mountains

Three bites and they're gone.

Two Quiches made with Zucchini, Onions, Bacon, Curly Kale, Provolone cheese and eggs from the chicken coop.

All done by 11:30 a.m. on a Sunday morning.


So we could go to the mountains and have a wonderful and rainy Sunday picnic with our charming friends, Christine and Steven.

We're all under there (minus the photographer Christine) holding up the paper roof with sticks...sharing a happy afternoon.




  1. That is a great way to spend a Sunday. I am glad the rain did not deter you. xo,

  2. You are such an amazing woman! I don't know how you do it all. The picnic looks like fun!

  3. What a wonderful post, Gina! Good company sharing and good food - no matter where :)

  4. Looks like a lot of fun - Ag

  5. Hi first time here, what an amazingly beautiful and inspirational post!!!! Just wonderful..actually found you through your comment on french tangerine and you intrigued me with your suggestion to dry roses in sand? That is sooo interesting, and I would love to know more if you don't mind telling me "your secret", in the meantime so glad I stumbled here because you have a beautiful blog! I am now your newest follower too:)

  6. It does look like a lot of fun. But I have to remember not to visit your site before I've had my dinner. I looked at all your morning preparations and started to salivate!!

  7. Picnics are always fun, even in the rain. Your cherries are beautiful all ready to be made into pies. Your photographs are stunning.........
    Hope your week is going great......

    The French Hutch

  8. Hi Enchanted Home, Drying roses and other flowers is very easy...no need to purchase the expensive white silica. My recent post "Drying Pansies" http://ginaceramics.blogspot.com/2011/06/drying-pansies.html gives instructions.

    I also have an earlier post about drying hollyhocks. Thanks for your visit and becoming a follower. It is very much appreciated. Let me know if you need more information about drying flowers in sand.

  9. Hi Blue Moon, Yes it was a lot of fun. Thanks for your comment. Have a great week.

  10. Hi Barbara, This is the time of year when we get lots of afternoon showers, great for the flowers. Have a great week on Staten Island.

  11. Hi Jacki, are you painting? Great that you found that wonderful book La Maggia Barocco. It is a feast for the senses. In the book are some great ideas for painting blue and white tiles.

  12. Hi Francesca, what you say is so true. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week harvesting and cooking in your beautiful mountain top village in Italy.

  13. Hi Agni, Thanks for your visit. It is so appreciated. Have a great week.

  14. Hi Mark, Come on over but I will probably put you to work...we are "knee deep in Alligators" around here...lots to harvest.
    Warm regards, Gina

  15. Hi Emily, What a nice comment. Thank you for taking the time. Have a wonderful remainder of the week.

  16. Wowwww Gina,
    I loved everything! I wonder what I missed by not having gone to the classes: jelly, quiche and picnic !!!!!!The next time you'll do it again for me? Big hug!!!!!

  17. Gina, Your photos are beautiful and the food looks delicious! Even in the rain it sounds like a fun day. Thanks for joining the Open House party this week.

  18. Hi Vera, Yes I will do it again, just for you, all of it and then some.

  19. Hi Sherry, you write a beautiful blog. I'm honored that I can be part of it.

  20. Ohhh please take me to the picnic next time all looks great.

    Thank you for sharing

    Karin Şen Cankan

  21. Absolutely delightful! I love that you continued on in the rain. I love the rain. The food looks absolutely delicious!

  22. Your photos are so glorious. It looks like you have a bumper crop of pure glory. I love that owl. How neat that he has chose your home on which to perch.

    - The Tablescaper

  23. Your hand pies and quiches look magnificent!!!! I have been dying to try making hand pies, and you have given me that little push needed to do it! I love the photo under the tarp! :-)

  24. Hello Karin, You're invited to come along.

  25. Hi Barbara, And food always tastes better on a picnic, doesn't it.

  26. Hello Tablescaper, Love your blog. It is one of the best. The owl is still hanging around and we have more cherries to pick.

  27. Hi Alycia, I didn'[t know that they are called "hand pies". It's a great name, it describes them perfectly. Thank you for your visit and lovely comment.
