Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mon Bouquet du Jour

I do not like to leave my Garden

My last rose bouquet from my garden.

This past growing season was much too short.

We will have a frost while we are away.
The Sugarhat Cabbage will get sweeter.

We'll make Sauerkraut when we get back.

The potatoes need a light frost to set their skins
and so will the Lakota Squash.

We have a new Rooster (friends gave him to us, he was supposed to be a hen chicken)...he is the silliest looking Rooster we have ever had.  Not even our pretty hens liked him at first.  But he sports a very nice crow, not too loud and not too early in the morning. 

And he is friendly.

I hope that:

Our house sitters, from the big city, won't mind the rooster crowing at 4 o'clock in the morning,

Stanley, our old gentleman cat, will not bring mice and voles to the front door,

That the chickens will not go into a molt, I have promised our friends fresh chicken eggs every morning,

That the Charolais bull and his girls will not decide that the "grass is greener on the other side"

That the frost will be light so our house guests can enjoy the bounty of the garden and flowers to bring into the house.

This will be an easy trip for us.  We fly non stop to Paris. A car will be waiting for us.  We will head for the Champagne Region, then the Alsace, then Germany and Austria and then, finally, to my second most favorite place in the World, Italy. 

You wonder what my most favorite place is in the world? 

The Great United States of America, of course. 

My dear Blogging Friends, you have been so generous with your lovely comments and good wishes. 

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Wish I could take all of you with me.

Until next time, Auf Wiedersehen. 



  1. Pity there is no UK on your itenary :-)
    I'd loved a chance to tell you to your face what pleasure your blog gives me.
    Enjoy your trip, come back full of new ideas.
    We'll miss you, but look forward to your accounts.

  2. Have a wonderful trip Gina! all these great destinations in one go, it sounds terrific...enjoy it all and bring back lots of pictures!

  3. Dearest Gina, I so understand how hard it is to leave one's own special garden. But it sounds as if you have everything well cared for and planned for. Wishing you a most marvelous journey! xo – g

    p. s. gorgeous bouquet. I recognize your David Austins. xo

  4. Bon voyage, Gina. Can't wait to see the posts of your travels. What a perfect time of year you've picked - wish you the best of times xo

  5. Gina, this post has such a charming way of your counting the pleasures of your own home as you prepare for a wonderful visit to Italy.

    The rose bouquet is luxury itself in the beautiful blooms and shapes.

    Your group portrait of rooster and hens is a classic.

    I have never seen that cabbage variety...I love the shape, a bit like an old fashioned Dairy Queen ice cream.

    Have a wonderful time in Italy, and please do take lots of photos.


  6. Wonderful photos as usual. Lovely bouquets. Hope you'll have a very nice vacation and look forward to see some photos from your trip. I like Italy very much.

  7. Oh Gina, what a beautiful post. It's so wonderful that you treasure your home and hate to leave it to go away. I actually think your new chicken is adorable. Lucky house sitters! I wish I could do it!

    - The Tablescaper

  8. Gina,

    Your garden must have such bounty to produce such a lush bouuquet. Gorgeous!
    Have a wonderful trip!


  9. By now, you have completely forgotten about us and are enjoying Europe! Take loads of photos and recharge your creative batteries! Ciao!

  10. Dear Gina,
    just checked your blog, waiting for news and discovered die Huehner which I love!

    of course there is no new post, you obviously only arrived yesterday back home, yes?

    Hope that your voyage was wonderful and hear from you soon!

    Herzlichen Gruss, karin
