Thursday, September 15, 2011


Someone, please stop me!

Last week I couldn't stop painting.

This week I can't stop canning.

Our garden is overflowing with produce.

Some of it will have to wait till we get back from Europe.

Our champagne grapes have produced my very special
Champagne Grape Jelly.

We have a bumper crop this year.

The rest will have to become "Spätlese"

Paris, Soprabolzano, Deruta and all places in between are calling.

We will be there in a few days.



  1. Enjoy your trip. I hope the weather is warm and sunny like it has been here the last few days.

  2. What a glory.
    How can you bear to leave it all at this time :-)

  3. You are truly living in Paradise, with God's bounty from above growing there so magnificently - I would love to learn the whole canning process. Too bad you don't sell these preserves on Etsy, but I know, shipping is crazy. I would love some, though. Have a wonderful, safe trip. I can't wait to hear all about it and see your photos. Arrivederci, xo

  4. Have a wonderful trip — I'll look forward to seeing your photographs and vicariously traveling with you — Bon Voyage!

  5. Oh, no, you can't stop! You must never stop! Creating, that is. :)

    What a beautiful, abundant life you and Gene have.

    Have a glorious time on your trip. Has it been a year already?? xoxo – g

  6. ENJOY! I wish I was going with you...
    Looking forward to the pictures and memories you will share with us when you return.

    Mary in Oregon

  7. Great site, with such beautiful photos. I look forward to seeing many more posts from you. I am your newest follower and I hope you will follow back! Blessings!

  8. Hi Gina...

    Ohhh...I always love coming to your place, my friend! You have the most beautiful photos! My...ohhh my...all of your pretty canned goods look scrumptious! How nice that you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor...later on!

    Well, I must admit...I am envious! A trip to Europe in the autumn sounds like a dream! Have loads of fun and be safe, my friend! Thank you so much for sharing this lovely post with us for the Sunday Favorites party this week!

    Warmest wishes and safe travels,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  9. Even your canning labels are amazing!!! Lucky you to be going to Europe for a few days. Can't wait to see the posts from that trip. And what is spaietle (sp?) what you're doing with the rest of the grapes?

    - The Tablescaper
