Friday, September 9, 2011

Once again, another Artist Studio Tour

The kiln has cooled, the last piece is out.

All is well

Now I can celebrate, along with the rest of our little town.

I have been painting every day, my kiln has worked overtime.

Hope the weather will be as beautiful tomorrow as it has been for the past few days. The en plain air competition is also being held this week.

I will be setting up shop under the canopy of our  Summit Ash trees.

I don't know what it is about this time of year. There is a new Charolais Bull in our pasture.  This one is even younger and bigger than our last one. 


  The Bull decided to leave his girls and check out his competition. We had to move him, 2 o'clock in the morning, to a distant pasture. 
He was only 50 feet from me and I should have taken a picture, but again I was too scared to think of my camera. 
You might recall another Charolais bull incident a couple of years ago and on the day of the Artist Studio Tour.

Possibly it has nothing to do with the weather.

 Maybe it's because the nights are full with the maddening scent of my very odoriferous Sweet Peas.

Have a great weekend my dear Blogging Friends
and wish me luck!



  1. It seems that you don't need luck: capability in abundance will do the trick.
    That obviously was a type of bull with taste :-)
    The items are glorious, as is the setting. I could dream about being able to take a look there tomorrow [or any other day].
    Enjoy the day.

  2. Good luck! Buona fortuna! Bon Chance!!! Wish I was there!!!!(being charged by that cute cream-colored bull, not so much - do prefer rams :-) ) xo,

  3. Best of luck, Gina!
    It appears that your guests will be very lucky to be there to not only enjoy the gorgeous scenery, but also to have the chance to purchase your beautiful, colorful ceramics.

    Your talents run deep.

  4. Have a successful day, Gina! I especially like the lidded urns that look like apothecary jars!

  5. Those pieces are so beautiful... Best of luck - Buona Fortuna, Gina!

  6. Such a lovely setting. And beautiful ceramics, too! Best of luck.

  7. How lucky your visitors will be to see your stunning work in that lovely setting - this makes me wish so badly I could be there! And the expression bull-in-a-china-shop does come to mind - keep that big fellow well away!

  8. Dear Gina,
    Best wishes for the sale! In France we say "mille fois merde" (yes that's true!) which means good luck!

    And thank you so much for your mails and effort to help with the video which I've sorted out tout de suite! Will send you a mail.

    Also, verkaufe tuechtig, Du verdienst es!
    Herzlichen Gruss,

  9. Lovely ceramics, Gina. You are so talented. I surely wish I lived closer so I could attend your sale and see that handsome and strong Charolais bull.

    Mary in Oregon

  10. Can't get to your latest post somehow.
    Probably me.
    Hope it was a good day in your garden on Saturday.

  11. Hello Hannah, It was a glorious day. Lots of happy people showed up and opened their pocket books. Thank you for your visit.

  12. Hi Barbara, that bull was nowhere in sight. We had a wonderful day. Thanks for the good wishes. They must have worked.

  13. Hello Ann, You'll be going to France soon and so will we. After your trip come for a visit and we can celebrate with a good bottle of French Red.

  14. Hello Mark, I'm not surprised that you like my urns. Classic design is always a winner. Thank you for your good wishes...they worked.

  15. Thank you Regina, So sweet of you to stop by and wish me luck. I so enjoy reading your beautiful and very informative posts.

  16. Hi Miss Charming, So glad you stopped by for a visit to wish me luck. I am always so overwhelmed by the support of lovely people like yourself. Thank you.

  17. Dear Karin, Ja, ich habe tuechtig verkauft. Das wetter war wunderschoen und die Besucher so heiter und freundlich.
    We had a great day, not just selling but visiting with friends and new acquaintances. Thank you so much for your good wishes.

  18. Dear Karen,
    The bull is safely within a stronger fence down the hill. In the meantime, we see the trail of his midnight marauding. Charolais bulls are huge, he would have had a heyday amongst my tables laden with so many breakable items.

  19. Hi Mary, How nice of you to wish me well. Oregon is not so far. Maybe next time. You would be so welcome.

  20. Hi Hannah, It's not you, it's me. I removed my last post. For some reason it just wasn't adequate for the tragic day that it was ten years ago.

  21. Hi Gina, your ceramics look gorgeous as always! I'm working full-time now with an hour commute each way. So I don't have much opportunity to visit you. But I sneak by when I can!
