Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sweet Peas, How To

Soon it will be time to plant Sweet Peas

We live in zone 3.  My seeds will be planted in the middle of March.

In warmer climates Sweet Peas should be planted in February. 

At least 2 to 3 weeks before planting start germinating seeds in a plastic bag.

I gathered seeds from my garden a couple of weeks ago.  Not all seeds will germinate.  Place moistened paper towel and seeds into plastic bag.  Keep top open and place by window.

Besides collecting my own seeds I will be ordering from Thompson and Morgan.

Check seeds a few times and rinse them in cold water  (to prevent  mildew) and return to plastic bag.  After  about 2 weeks your seeds will have sprouted and they are ready to be planted.  Sprouts are very sturdy and can be handled easily.

With this method, taught to me by our good friend Steven, the brilliant Lawyer, I have almost a 100% success rate. 

Give it a try this year, my dear Blogging Friends.



  1. Hi Gina,

    Thank you so much for this! I planted seeds last spring and then we had a very wet few months. Only one little plant came up. The missing step is sprouting them so I will try that this year. I would love to have sweet peas in our garden!

    xo – g

  2. Dear Georgianna, I can well imagine the beautiful photographs you will take of your Sweet Peas. I remember one year planting Sweet Peas May 1. The plants grew well but I had not one flower. Sweet Peas need cold temperatures and a rich soil for them to bloom. They should do well in your area if you start right now. Most garden centers have beautiful sweet pea seeds right now. ox Gina

  3. Hello, Gina - I own a book by Thomas Moore called Care of the Soul. I imagine all the work you do with seeds and flowers, and the flower arrangements, is rewarding at the deepest levels. It shows through in your beautiful photographs.

  4. Oh Gina, how this post is making me long to have a garden. Sweet peas are absolutely glorious and I would gladly follow your excellent instructions...if I could plant those sprouted seeds in the spring.

    Maybe next year!


  5. Thanks for the reminder and how-to!
    I've never grown them.

    Their scent is one of my favorites in the flower world.

  6. Old Gregor Mendel sure knew what he was doing when he chose Sweet Peas for his experiments, didn't he???

  7. Dear Mark, How come you're such a nice person? You make the best comments. They always start my day in the most pleasant way. Thank you, Gina

  8. Hi Frances, Maybe you have a spot where you can grow them in a pot. I'm trying it with the few seeds that I sprouted which are too early for our season. I will let you know what happens.

  9. Dear Ann, Yes, please give them a try. Make sure that you plant them in full sun and give them something to climb upon.

  10. Hi Keetha, Can you imagine studying 29,000 Pea Plants? Mendel, the Augustian Monk appreciated Sweet Peas because they both self pollinate and cross pollinate. I appreciatet hem for their gorgeous colors and incredible perfume.

  11. you take the most beautiful pictures!!!

    thank you so much for linking

  12. Hi Gina, I love Sweet Peas in the garden. We are having such a warm winter here in Virginia all of my Spring bulbs are coming up. Thank you for sharing this at the Open House party. Hugs, Sherry

  13. Hi Cityfarmer, Thank you for the lovely compliment. And thank you for hosting.

  14. Hi Sherry, Can you grow Sweet Peas in Virginia? If so, when do you plant them?

  15. Hi Gina,
    I love Sweet Peas and plant them every year right around St. Patty's day. Helps me to remember. I always just buy a package or two. I will have to try this next time. thanks!

  16. These pictures are simply mind-blowing! Plants of Distinction, UK produce and supply rare and specialist seeds and plants all across the world. To know more about this, visit plantsofdistinction.co.uk.

  17. Oh Gina! I just LOVE Sweet Peas! February is the right time for us - I will get some seeds and try this method! I have always wanted Sweet Peas! Thank you for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  18. Hi Jann, Let me know how this way of planting sweet peas works for you. I find that I have better success this way.

  19. Hi Plants of Distinction, I will check out your website. I'm always looking for new varieties. Thank you for visiting.

  20. Hi Kathy, please let me know how my method of starting sweet peas works for you.
