Monday, March 5, 2012

Helping out Mother Nature

Mother Nature can be cruel.

Raccoons have no natural enemies in our area.
Not only do they raid our duck and geese nests, they also kill
those diligent birds that will not leave their nests and stay to protect their eggs and their Young. 

Gene has decided to build a few nests for the middle of our pond.

The first finished nest comes out of the workshop.

Let's see if it will float.

But first, we have to launch our old fishing boat.

Yay, it floats, those silly looking pontoons Gene invented actually work.

Off to the middle of the pond he goes.
Raccoons only swim so far.

That is a fine looking nest Gene.

Mission accomplished.
Another nest will be launched tomorrow.

And what was I doing?
Opening a bottle of champagne.
We drank it.
We did not smash it against the bow of the boat.

Have a great week my dear
Blogging Friends



  1. Gina, I appreciate very much your efforts to rescue birds! And I love your art work :-)).

  2. Hi Mama Zen, We did this a few years ago and were awarded, on Mother's Day, with a bunch of the cutest little ducklings. Thank you for your visit. Gina

  3. Hello Stolzer, It really is a shame what the over population of Raccoons has done in our pheasants, no ground nesting birds and only a smattering of female ducks. Our birds are swimming around the nests. Let's hope that they will use them. Gina

  4. What a wonderful, well thought-out and cozy-looking nest! I would sure give it a whirl if I were one of your Canada Geese or other resident bird population looking for a nest!

    Mary in Oregon

  5. Dear Gina,

    I love this blog.. what a wonderful thoughtful idea Gene had.. The lake looks freezing.. but he still went out there to save the birds.. naughty racoons..
    The birds will love the nest..
    waiting for photo of the birds in there..
    great photos.
    thank you Gina.

    Gina.. i wanted to ask you.. do you sell your hand painted tiles.. ! the small little square ones..

  6. Dear Mary, The second nest was launched yesterday. We tied it to a stake in the may entice the birds to use the nest sooner because it is "more private". We will see. Thank you for commenting and have a wonderful week. Gina

  7. Dear Val, Yes, it is still very cold around here but our birds don't seem to mind. They are acting as if Spring is in full swing. The geese are very cautious, they are so smart. They won't land when they see something different on the pond but as in the past, they will finally decide to come down and investigate.
    I sell a lot of my tiles. Any size any shape and any design. Just let me know what you are interested in. I have quite a few already painted. oxoxox, Gina

  8. There's a pond near me where ducklings are hatched every year, and very few make it to adulthood because of the other birds — like egrets. It's a sad cycle to watch — and hear!

    You and Gene have done a wonderful thing, and now I think we can call Gene "Father Goose."

  9. Dear Mark, There is nothing like watching little geese or ducklings following their mothers... all in a row with the male bringing up the rear. Hopefully, we can save a few young ones this year. Have a great remainder of the week. Gina

  10. Hello Gina,
    I found your blog by visiting Rosemary. I want you to know I like your blog. I hope you will excuse me for the bad english it's more then 30 years ago since I've learned it at school. But I do my best.
    Have a nice evening

  11. Dear Marijke, I am so pleased that you stopped by. Please don't worry about your English. I am still learning. Is your native language Portuguese? We have visited your country many times and it is still one of our most favorite.
    The most beautiful site I have experienced is the vista from the University of Coimbra...I believe the oldest University in Europe. Gina

  12. Dear Marijke, I should have looked. You are from Holland aren't you. Another wonderful country we like to visit. I understand quite a bit of Dutch or if you speak a little German, we will manage just fine, with Dutch, English and German. Have a lovely remainder of the week. Regards, Gina

  13. Dear Gina - what a lovely thing to do for the ducks and geese. Have you really still got snow like that or has it moved on by now? It was nice to see that Marijke has visited you - isn't it great, we are all like one big happy family.

  14. Dear Rosemary, Yes, we still have snow and this morning half of our pond was frozen. But the snow is melting in spots and I see little snowdrops trying to come through the snow. It is great, Bloggers make suchj wonderful friends. Have a great remainder of the week. Gina

  15. Your husbands pantoon nests are a heartwarming enterprise, like little Noah's Arches for the birds.
    Your photos are so beautiful, the last one is a meraviglia.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Dear Merisi, Thank you so much for your very informative comment. I have removed it because you suggested that I do so.

  18. Dear Merisi, I had to look up the word "meraviglia". You are very generous with your compliment, especially since I so admire your photography.
    We are keeping our fingers crossed that our birds will use them...they have before and it is so charming to see the little ones following their parents.
    Have a lovely weekend dear Merisi. xo,Gina

  19. What a great and lovely idea !

  20. Hello Agni, how nice of you to stop by. For now none of the birds have taken either nest. But judging from the past they will soon be looking for a safe spot.
