Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring can not be far away and PicMonkey Photo Editing is here.

And how I made a new and very important discovery. 
And more great News, PicMonkey photo editing is here.
See link at bottom of this post

Yes, I have too many ceramics.

Every time we go to Italy I bring back another piece or two.

This love affair with Italian ceramics has been going on for many years.

I'm ashamed to admit that this is what happens to my ceramics on the top shelf...
When I don't pay attention to them.

So, about twice a year I take them down, assemble the vinegar and scrubbing powder and roll up my sleeves and go to work. 

While scrubbing hard I was thinking that there must be an easier way.  I remembered how easy it is to shine up my stainless steal

I can't believe it.  No scrubbing. It only takes the smallest amount.  I also  tried it on the shelves.  It's magic.  Spotless with no effort at all.

 So save yourself a little elbow grease and try a new product now and then.

And more fantastic news
PicMonkey Photo Editing is here
by the same people who designed Picnik

Have a great weekend my dear Blogging Friends.



  1. Dear Gina - I too have the same problem - I cannot resist a new piece of Italian ceramic, or for that matter ceramics made by potters here. I keep telling myself I do not need anymore, but at the time of buying seem to forget. Yours are absolutely wonderful, such vibrant and joyous pots.

  2. I have ceramicaphobia as well... I'm just not in excess of those gorgeous Renaissance pieces. YET!
    Gina, please tell me about the vinegar recipe for the dust bunnies.

    Mary in Oregon

  3. Thanks for tow great ideas, today. I've bookmarked the Monkey, and I'm going to try the cleaner on my Deruta pottery. I love yours too. the colors are lovely.

  4. I must admit, Gina, that I absolutely covet your wonderful collection of Italian ceramics. But it does my soul good when you post pictures of them and I can just admire the wonderful colors. Have a great weekend!

  5. Dear Rosemary, I do understand. You would think because I paint ceramics that I shouldn't be looking or buying more ceramics. But that is the beast of the thing.

  6. Hi Mary, I use a small amount of vinegar and liquid soap to clean lots of things, like windows. It helps cut through the kitchen grease. Still, I had to also use Comet to get my ceramics really clean. But the stainless steel cleaner is the best cleaner of them all for this particular purpose. I will be trying it on other surfaces.

  7. Dear Priscilla, If you have used Picnik in the past and were devastated that they will close, you are in for a very happy surprise. I tried it's great. They will still be adding more features in the future.

  8. Dear Jacki, How is the painting coming? I want to see more of your work. Happy weekend to you and yours. Thank you for stopping by, Gina

  9. Dear Gina,
    I just love have the most elegant collection of such interesting pieces..
    I can imagine you are happy with the new product.. I just wash mine with plain simple warm water and dishwashing liquid..
    Its always nice, when they are clean and tidy and back on the wall or shelves..

    Gina.. pls send me your e mail.. i am interested in ordering your handpainted tiles the small square ones.. i would like to embedd them in my wall..
    Happy weekend..
    lovely blog
    thanks Val

  10. Dear Val, I am so very pleased that you like my tiles. I have sent you my e-mail with pictures.
    You are right. Most of the time all I use is soap and water to clean my ceramics. But in the kitchen, where so much cooking is going on, I needed something stronger. I couldn't believe how easy it was. Just a littlle spritz and a wipe with a sponge and it was done.

  11. Gina,,

    I tried to e mail.. but it didnt work.. please can you send me your e mail.. to thanks..
    I bet the ceramics look shiny and new again... its a wonderful collection...
    happy sunday

  12. Dear Val, Have sent another email with pictures this morning. The email from your profile did not work for me. As a last resort you can always contact me through my Etsy shop. Just click on Maiolica in the Etsy box (right under followers). I will be watching for your message. Thank you and have a wonderful day. Gina

  13. Hello, Gina - Thanks for the cleaning tip. I look at your glorious collection and think to myself that you really have the makings of an exciting display for your local museum. If I were a curator, I'd be at your door in a minute!

  14. I guess at first glance...I would say I would love to have your problem! It's my dream to travel to Italy and I would love to have some beautiful pottery from Italy to clean! heehee! But this is a great tip to file away when I need it and a lovely mosaic! ♥♥♥

  15. Thanks for the tip! I have that very spray in my kitchen cupboard.

  16. What a lovely collection of Italian ceramics you own! I am quite envious :) I have a few pieces but whenever we travel to my husband's country I never have room in my suitcase to bring back more. I love your tip! Anything that makes cleaning easier is welcome, Happy Mosaic Monday!

  17. I thought 001a.jpg had been edited in photoshop to look like that :-)
    What a gathering of dust on there.
    Are you sure the glaze can cope with those chemicals?

  18. Dear Mark, My collection of Portuguese and Italian Maiolica is colorful and practical. I use them often in my daily life. They are a lovely reminder of places visited. I remember every single transaction. I used to be able to ship them home. Now I have to carry them...a good thing... I now have to think twice about my purchases.

  19. Dear Lavender Dreamer, Once you have made the decision to travel to Italy, the next trip is so much easier to plan for. The world is getting smaller and I find, so many places are now difficult to visit. I am glad that I have had the wanderlust since I was a very young girl.

  20. Dear Pondside, I have even tried it on Copper Pans, again works like magic. Of course, there is still the old time remedy for copper polishing, lemon juice and coarse sea salt.

  21. Hello Pat, A pretty hand painted plate always fits between your clothing. They are the easiest ceramics to bring back. If you go to Deruta, let me know and I will give you the directions to go to my most favorite artist, Giovanni Marinetti. You will be amazed at the beauty of his work.

  22. Dear Hannah, no, not photo shopped just lazy me.
    The wonderful thing about maiolica is that it has been fired to more than 2,000 degrees fahrenheit. It makes Maiolica impervious to damage even when harsh chemicals are used. That is why so many pottery sherds are found buried yet the colors are still brilliant as the day when they first came out of the kiln.
    There is a new and strange phenominum of "antiquing" ceramics that is transient and will come off with only soap and water is used. But always, the glaze is not affected.

  23. Those pieces are all so beautiful! Now then, if you ever desire getting rid of any of them...hello, I am right here, waiting. No seriously they are really truly beautiful. Keep them all and cherish each one~

  24. Hello Mary, Love your blog. It is obvious that you admire elusive and rare birds. You have a special gift, it shows in your photographs.
    Why don't you come and paint with me and I will teach you how to paint your birds onto ceramics.
