Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mein Temperament Vogel

My Temperament Bird

You will see why he is called Temperament Vogel

No words needed.

Now we're not sure.

My Father was a very fine woodcarver

My Father believed that something simple is just as beautiful as something fine.

He carved the bird for my office so my clients could tell what kind of mood I was in.  I'm now retired but the bird still sits on my chamber door.

...For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door,
Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door,
with such a name a "Nevermore"...
Edgar Allan Poe




  1. Oh, I'm LOVING that bird - - - but do you notice how he's "peeping" down her cleavage????


  2. Dear Gina - he is certainly a very expressive little bird, you can almost see what is going on in his thoughts. Now I can see where you get your wonderful creativity from -it is in your genes. Your father's work is lovely and looks very similar to the Black Forest carvings.

  3. Was your Father of German heritage, Gina? Beautifully carved wood.

    Did the tempermental bird assist your co-workers when they came into your office?

    Mary in Oregon

  4. as it whispered "leonor leonor"..
    I am in love with the tile Gina.. and what a lovely story.
    Now i can see why you have such an artistic flair.. your fathers work is beautiful..
    I love the works of Edgar Alan Poe..
    You trully have a wonderful gift for painting your unique tiles.. cant wait to get some..!

  5. Such an expressive bird, and what an excellent use he had!

  6. Hi Keetha, Cleavage? What cleavage?

  7. Dear Rosemary, My Father was a Master Woodcarver, trained in the "Old Country". What I liked about his work is that you could see every single chisle mark.

  8. Dear Mary, My family emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1956. I am grateful to them for having made such a life-changing decision.
    I was a one-woman show in my office. Most of the time, my temperament vogel, was in a happy position.

  9. Dear Val, And what about "Annabel Lee" my other favorite Poem by Edgar Allan Poe.
    I am looking forward to painting something very special for you. ox, Gina

  10. Dear Karn, It was my Fathers custom to carve this funny bird for a select few of his friends. I am lucky to have several of his fine carvings but this bird will always be special.

  11. Dear Gina - your father was not only a Master Carver, but it seems a man with a great sense of humor, too. It's good to see the other examples of his work at the end of your posting. Did he continue carving in the United States?

  12. Gina, that expressive bird shows what a fine wood working artist your dad was. My father also loved exploring wood in his spare time, whether it was cabinet making with hand tools, or carving wood, or finding ways to make beautiful boxes from wood reclaimed from grocery store packaging.

    Maybe these gentlemen have encouraged their daughters to explore creativity?

    (I must confess that my orchid is no longer on that window sill. Its place has been taken by another planted pink hyacinth that will bloom in a week or two. I still hope to find a way to encourage orchids around this tiny, light challenged apartment.)


  13. ENCHANTED...I am truly enchanted by your magic art; your passions; your beautiful styled photographs; your sublime countryhome - & living; your passion for animals & sweet & spectacular way you present all your treasures on your splendid blog, Gina!!!!!!!

    I am truly happy and delighted to "stroll" through your work and will be so glad to read and see your spring-adventures!

    I did love very, very much the fantastic "swimming nest" Gene constructed & your sweet pics which documented the fulfilled work; sublimesublime!!!!

    Wonderful to step in your fairy world, Gina!!!!!

    ciao ciao ed a presto!! elvira

  14. Dear Mark, Yes, my Father had a great sense of humor. Amazing actually prison camp in Siberia. We came to the United States when he was sixty years old and he carved until he passed on at age eightythree. I was one of his major (paying) customers. I'm grateful to have everyone of his beautiful carvings.

  15. Dear Frances, How very interesting that your father used so many different products to create his wood artistry.
    Don't give up on orchids. An already blooming orchid does not need much light, in fact hardly any. It only needs to be watered once aweek. Give it another try.

  16. Dear Elvira, Sometimes I wonder why I blog and also wonder if I should continue to blog. And then I receive a comment such as yours and I am so honored and so humbled by your beautiful sentiment. Your blog "Magical Places on Tuscany's Coast" stole my heart from the very first posting. Your photography is outstanding and yes, we share so many things... love of animals, nature and art. Ciao, Gina

  17. Dear Gina.. please send me your e mail address again.. i had no success with gornatcutdonet.. want to get started..
    happy wednedsday.. val

  18. Dear Val, Look for my address in your email inbox. It looks like it went through this time. Sorry about the trouble.
    If this does not work you can always go to my Etsy shop and leave a message. ox, Gina

  19. Hi Val, It didn't go through. Here it is garnatcutdotnet. You were close. Please try again or leave a message in my Etsy shop. ox, Gina
